“…..Receive and distribute funds for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes all for the public welfare.” Provide for separation of “club operations” and “charities” funds per the Rotary Club bylaws A separate 501 (c)(3) organization Purpose of Rotary Charities
All Rochester Rotarian Club members are members of Rotary Charities. 7- member Board of Directors 3-year terms Chartered with control and mgm’t of affairs Assistant Treas. of the “Club” is “Charities” Treas. Traditionally the Pres. of “Charities” is the Past Pres. of the “Club” 3 years after “Club” term Membership and Governance
Buck Crossley- Secretary Tate Vo Timo Nicholaou Susan Pierucci- Treasurer Karen Lewis Jay Eastman- Vice President Cary Riggs- President Board of Directors 2015/2016
Every Rotarian Every Year10,000 Tuesday Fines 9,000 Golf Ball Drop15,000 Golf Ball Outing 6,000 Habitat Mongolian BBQ 1,500 OU Basketball Usher 8,000 Poinsettias11,000 Wine Tasting20,000 Paul Harris Donations 5,000 Rotary Park Bricks 3,000 Donations 2,000 Total $90,500 ( B) Charitable Fund Sources
Dedicated Beneficiaries Rot.Foundation (Paul Harris) 10,000 Rot. Foundation (EREY)10,500 Habitat for Humanity (Mong. BBQ) 1,500 Rotary Gateway Park 3,000 RCS Scholarships12,500 Total Approx. $37k ( B)
2015/2016 Bud Ace High School1,000 Rochester Community House5,000 Guatemala Medical17,500 Habitat for Humanity1,000 Interact- RYLA, Conf.7,100 Job Shadow500 Literacy500 Discretionary Beneficiaries
2015/2016 Bud Neighborhood House5,000 Rainbow Connection5,000 Rotaract1,000 Rochester Symphony1,000 Rotaract Graduate Scholarship2,000** Grace Centers for Hope1,000** TBD Beneficiaries6,000
Charities Financial Summary ( 2015/16 Budget) Net Revenue90,000 Dedicated Beneficiaries37,000 Discretionary Beneficiaries50,600 Misc(Acctng, Uncollectable etc.)2,400 Net Income0 Cash June 30, 2015 (Actual)25,000 Cash June 30, 2016 (Forecast)25,000
Additional Prior Year’s Beneficiaries Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Clinton River Watershed Crittenton Kids Christmas ( replaced with Neighborhood house On line shopping) Paint Creek Center for Arts Shelter Box Veterans Program
Off-Budget Contributions/Fundraising Youth Cookie sales Bell Ringing for Salvation Army Neighborhood House on-line Christmas shopping Individual direct contributions to Rotary Foundation Anonymous dollar contributions to fundraisers Contributions in kind for Auction items etc.
Hands-on Community Service- Funds Rotary Gateway Park Clinton River Trail Overlook Water Fountain at the Adams Road Mastodon site Wildflower garden at the Rochester kayak landing Rochester Community Garden
Rochester Rotary Charities 2015/2016