Commander’s Corner - At the General Membership meeting on Mar 13, 2012, we had 19 people show up for the meeting. I opened nominations for your Post Officers for 2012 – The following nominations were made: Commander: NONE, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Vice: NONE, Historian: NONE, Chaplain: Stu Baker, Sgt-at-Arms: Bill Cummins, House Committeemen: Hal Eyerly, John Frenzel. (Hal and John are both Past Commanders, and still help the Post). Here are the Duties/Responsibilities of the 1st Vice Commander: The primary duty of the 1st Vice Commander is membership. It is his/her responsibility to check the accuracy of all membership applications and transfers. The 1st Vice Commander should build up the membership of the Post. He/she is responsible to see that new members and transfers are indoctrinated. The 1st Vice Commander should be familiar with the ceremonies for regular meetings as he/she will be taking over the responsibility of Post Commander in his/her absence. He/she shall be chairperson of the Membership and Publicity (PR) Committee. We have posted a sign-up sheet in the lounge if anyone wants to add their name for an office they would like to run for. Holding office at the Post is not just about filling the position which you are elected for, it’s about volunteering your time and energy to support/help with all of the functions/events held at the Post. We will have nominations again this month and in May before elections. Look at your Membership card and if it has a 2011 on it, please send in your $30.00 to pay for your 2012 Dues. Your dues are what help keep us going in our support of Veterans. Please pass on to other vets. It's official: DD-214 discharge papers are NOW ONLINE. The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has provided the following website for veterans to gain access to their DD-214s online: This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his/her DD-214 for employment purposes. NPRC is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files. Please support the Lounge, Post, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin Auxiliary - I would like to thank all who came out to the Ride 2 Recovery, about 200 bicycles through our area. Thank all you came to the 5:00 Somewhere Party we collected donations for 6 buddy baskets to the new VA home. They are always in need of help and supplies, if you would like to donate or want to know what kind of supplies they are in need of, contact me. We will not be having an Easter Party for the kids because again lack of people volunteering. We are taking nomination for upcoming election in May. Kim Edens President Legion Riders, Last month the riders donated a complete set of Flags to the Post for the poles out front. Bike Night is on the third Thursday of the month, come out and support the riders. Our next Bike Night is on April 19th at 6:00 pm; hope to see you all there. Our next ALR meeting will be on April 15h at 10:00 am, please try to attend. Remember nominations for all Officers again this month with the election in May. For God and Country Richard Raborn Director 1 st Vice Commander –Membership is currently at 86%. Our Legion Birthday/St Patrick’s Day/Member Appreciation Day went great. If you missed it - you missed a lot of fun! The Lounge was full and we had plenty of good food and good music. Come in and see what’s next! For God and Country.....Mouse Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FOR GOD AND COUNTRY APRIL 2012 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice COMMANDER Jimmy Martin ADJUTANT Michael Munoz ST VICE COMMANDER Michael Munoz ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Bill Eastman FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jake Taffaro CHAPLAIN Stu Baker SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn SAL COMMANDER Jimmy Martin HOUSE COMMITTEE Phil Gist Al Rogers Ron Woolsey Michael Holdener John Wyers POST LOUNGE LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Kim Edens CHAPLAIN Linda Mackin SAL: Your SAL membership is still about 80%. Someone has to step up to be the SAL Commander next year, or we will become a paper Squadron again. Jimmy Lee Martin Acting SAL Cdr Bingo: Bingo has been doing well since the first of the year. I turned over $ to the Post Mar 13th. Thanks to the Volunteers that help me and the Post with Bingo. Jimmy Lee Martin Chairman Scholarship Chairman- Post 240 Scholarship applications are located on the wall above the Emblem Sales cabinet in the Post Lounge. If you would like more information please contact me at Countess Guiles