Get R.E.A.L.: LOVE The forth step to ask without fear! Marc A. Pitman, The Fundraising Coach
Let's Get R.E.A.L.! 1.Research 2.Engage 3.Ask 4.Love/Like/Live
Not your atm
Love/Like/Live Love/Like the person anyway—they're more important than the gift –This business is ALL about relationships Live with their response! –You don't always have to like the response but keep on loving the person
If they say yes Develop systems –Receipt in hours (70% don’t!) –Levels for written notes? –Levels for calling?
If they say yes What do you all do?
Treat them their way Recognition is all about the donor, not about you. –What fight are you inviting them into? –How are they good because they invested in your cause?
5 Love Languages Saying “thank you” in a different dialect is like telling a non-Chinese speaker that you love them in Chinese
5 Love Languages Words of Affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch How does this apply to donors?
5 Love Languages How do you like to be thanked? How can you thank your donors? Words of Affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch
Social media Set up Twitter lists and Google+ circles –You don’t need their permission on Twitter and Google+ (you do on Facebook and LinkedIn)
Social media Set up Twitter lists and Google+ circles –Board –Donors –Influencers –Staff You want your staff on these sites!
HootSuite can help Set up Twitter lists and Google+ circles –You don’t need their permission on Twitter and Google+ (you do on Facebook and LinkedIn)
Google Alerts…again SS
All sorts of ways
The story of the angry alum What page on my book is this?
Fundraising is an extreme sport! This is where the magic happens! Subscribe to my ezine and get the “$100,000 Guide to Solicitation” e-course free Fundraising Kick Movie Mondays 100 Donors in 90 Days