Friday, May 13th and Saturday, May 14th 2016
Overnight Trip in Hershey, PA 7th and 8th Grade Concert Bands, Jazz Band, Choruses, and Orchestra Leave Friday, May 13th from UMS via Stout’s Charter Busses in the AM Return to UMS on Saturday, May 14th in the evening. Students with specific food needs should contact: and indicate your are from Montgomery Upper MS.
7th Grade Concert Band Wed, May 11 th 3:00p to 5:30p 8th Grade Concert Band Rehearsal Tuesday, May 10 th 3:00p to 5:30p Orchestra TBA Chorus Monday, 9 May 3p-5p *Mandatory for all students attending the trip
Students arrive to school at normal time Load busses and depart UMS in the AM Hotel check-in before performances (TBA) Adjudicated performances at local schools between 4-9pm Dinner Buffet at the Hotel after performances Security on duty throughout the evening
Buffet Breakfast in the Hotel (included) Arrive at the park in the morning 7 th grade Students stay with chaperones throughout the day 8 th Grade students in groups of no less than 3 Buffett Lunch is provided Awards Ceremony in the Park in the afternoon Depart for UMS in the evening 6ish.
7 th Grade Students are supervised by chaperones at all times throughout the trip. Student groups remain with their chaperone at the park throughout the day. A minimum of one Chaperone per 8 students in attendance 8 th grade groups will check in with Staff Chaperones twice during the day A Nurse and School Administrator will be attending. Night Security guard at the hotel
Deluxe Hotel Rooms- Radisson Penn Harris Full Admission to Hershey Park Coach Bus Transportation Pizza Party at Hotel Buffet Breakfast at the Hotel Buffett lunch at Hershey Park
Friday, October 2 nd : $100 Payments may be submitted this evening. You may a full payment if you wish Friday, January 6th: $160 Total Cost: $260 Please make all checks out to: Montgomery Middle School *in the memo section of each check please write your child's full name. Scholarships are available for families with demonstrated need. Please contact your child’s guidance counselor directly.