Department of Agriculture Govt. of West Bengal Department of Agriculture
Production & Productivity of Various Crops during 2014-15 in West Bengal (as per 4th advance estimate) Name of crop Area(‘000 ha) Production (‘ 000 tonnes) Productivity (Kg/ha) Kharif Rice 4236.49 11575.44 2732 Boro Rice 1300.00 4390.00 3377 Total Rice 5536.49 15965.44 2884 Lentil 67.00 66.00 985 Black gram 73.67 53.33 724 Khesari 32.00 40.00 1250 Green gram 26.50 21.60 815 Total Pulses 246.95 235.39 953 Maize 150.42 652.10 4335 Total Food grains 6284.75 17821.65 2836 Jute 567.22 8808.27 bales 15.53 bales
Performance of NFSM districts in comparison to Non-NFSM districts NFSM Rice Category Area (‘000 Ha) Yield (Kg/Ha) % increase in Yield 2009-10 2013-14 NFSM Districts (7) 1961.94 1924.72 2075.29 2442.14 17.68 Non-NFSM Districts 3668.16 3588.97 2713.97 2966.82 9.32 NFSM Pulses Category Area (‘000 Ha) Yield (Kg/Ha) % increase in Yield 2009-10 2013-14 NFSM Districts (18) 182.40 233.43 825 922 11.76
Performance of NFSM districts in comparison to Non-NFSM districts NFSM Coarse Cereals (Maize) Category Area (‘000 Ha) Yield (Kg/Ha) % increase in Yield 2009-10 2013-14 NFSM Districts (3) 59.78 86.34 3512.67 3756.33 6.94 Non-NFSM Districts 37.93 57.57 2529.67 2760.87 9.14 NFSM Commercial Crops Crop Area (‘000 Ha) Yield (Bales/Ha) % increase in Yield 2009-10 2013-14 Jute (13 Districts) 613.69 565.15 15.18 15.49 2.04 Cotton (2 Districts) 1.29 0.36 2.53 3.62 43.08
Lessons Learnt & Future Strategies NFSM Rice Although NFSM districts have witnessed increase in productivity of paddy, the area under paddy cultivation is declining. To maintain production levels, it is necessary to target higher productivity for which there is ample scope. Strategy: Use of stress tolerant varieties Adoption of zero tillage technique Use of paddy transplanter Using SRI technique for Boro cultivation (due to lower water requirement and higher productivity).
Lessons Learnt & Future Strategies NFSM Pulses Although area & productivity of pulses have increased substantially during last 5 years, there is a huge gap (about 80%) between requirement and production of pulses in the State. There is urgent need of bringing more area under pulses. Strategies: Expansion of pulses area by targeting rice fallows & intercropping with Maize, Jute etc. Availability of suitable short duration moong varieties with single picking character. Increased availability of pulses varieties suitable for short winter spell.
Popularization of SRI in Paddy cultivation SUCCESS STORIES SUCCESS STORY - RICE Popularization of SRI in Paddy cultivation Farmer: Sri Kamal Roy, a progressive farmer Location: Jalpaiguri Sadar Block Achievement: 25-30% water saving and 22-25% increased yield during Kharif, 2014
Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices in Pulses Production SUCCESS STORY - PULSE Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices in Pulses Production Name of Farmer: Buddha Deb Ghosh Location: Balagarh Block of Hooghly District Achievement: 33% higher yield of Lentil (1500 kg/ha over 1125 kg/ha in traditional method) in NFSM Demonstration during Rabi, 2014 and increase of net income from Rs 24,500/- to Rs 55,000/- per ha compared to traditional cultivation.
Demonstration with Hybrid Maize (PAC-740) SUCCESS STORY - MAIZE Demonstration with Hybrid Maize (PAC-740) Name of Farmer: Shah Alam, a progressive farmer Location: Goalpokhar-I Block, Uttar Dinajpur District Achievement: 33% higher yield (32 qt/acre) than control plot (24 qt/acre) from demonstration under NFSM-Coarse Cereals during Rabi, 2014.
Specific Issues/Suggestions Low productivity of NFSM Rice Districts due to agro-climatic factors. There is a huge gap between requirement and production of pulses Cost of seed of Hybrid Maize being very high, little fund remains available for other inputs in Maize DCs. SUGGESTIONS: More investment on Rice DCs required for facilitating productivity enhancement. To popularize pulse cultivation it is suggested that: Area of each Pulse DC be reduced to max. 25 ha. Allocation for Pulse DCs be increased. Total cost per hectare of Maize DC may be increased under NFSM-Coarse Cereals Some potential districts need to be included under NFSM-Coarse Cereals.