Economic Growth in the Gilded Age
Monroe Doctrine… a policy of isolation? Senator Orville Platt (CT), 1893: A policy of isolation did well enough when we were an embryo nation. But today things are different… We are 65 million people, the most advanced and powerful on earth, and regard to our future welfare demands an abandonment of the doctrines of isolation.
Economic Output US GDP: increases 400% between /5 of the nation’s agricultural output exported : industrial share of total exports increases from 15% to 30%
US Exports YearValue 1875$566,000, $724,000, $789,000, $1,335,000,000
US Foreign Investments,
Context Scramble for Africa, Sino-Japanese War, Increased European interest in Latin America The Panic of 1893… industrial strikes and agrarian protests
Letter, Day to Gage Read the document and complete an ADAPT analysis What does this document say about the economic growth of the US? What does this economic growth mean for the future of the US? What is Secretary Day arguing for?