Measuring Affective Behaviors Chapter 9 Measuring Affective Behaviors
Affective Areas attitude toward physical activity activity interests motivation self-concept social competence sportsmanship enjoyment
Collecting Affective Data checklists two point scale rating scales likert scale semantic differential activity interest survey alternative assessments
Measuring Attitude Toward Physical Activity Attitude toward Physical Activity (ATPA) Children’s ATPA Children’s Self-perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity Feelings about Physical Activity Inventory
Measuring Activity Interests Administer in the spring. Analyze by grade, gender, ethnicity. Include activities linked to program objectives. Give students a chance for input. Provides insights for curricular changes.
Measuring Motivation Self Motivation Inventory Physical Estimation and Attraction Scale Stages of Change Instrument
Measuring Self-Concept Physical Self-Perception Profile Physical Self-Description Questionnaire
Using Alternative Assessments Carefully designed checklists and rating scales (scoring rubrics) can be used for assessing the affective domain. participant journals direct observation event tasks self-assessment (reflection) anecdotal records