그림 보고 질문에 답하기 → 그림의 설명 혹은 일치 여부 확인 → 3 문제 → 채점기준 발음, 억양, 시제, 문장화, 의도에 맞는 대답, 질문에 모든 대답 11 강 Actual Test 2, Type 1
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. Are Anna and Tom watching television? Are…? Yes/No 로 대답 후, 추가 설명 필요 현재 시제 (~ing) 형태를 사용하여 대답 watch, movie, theater Basic p. 132
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. Are Anna and Tom watching television? Are…? Yes/No 로 대답 후, 추가 설명 필요 현재 시제 (~ing) 형태를 사용하여 대답 watch, movie, theater No, they aren’t. They are watching a movie in a theater. Basic p. 132
Alternative Answer Q. Are Anna and Tom watching television? No, they aren’t. They are watching a movie in a theater while eating popcorn and drinking coke. Key words watch, movie, theater, popcorn, coke, while Alternative p. 132
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. Does the girl wearing a hat have longer hair than the girl without a hat? Does? Yes/No 로 대답 후, 추가 설명 필요. 비교급을 사용하여 대답 longer than ~ Basic p. 132
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. Does the girl wearing a hat have longer hair than the girl without a hat? Does? Yes/No 로 대답 후, 추가 설명 필요. 비교급을 사용하여 대답 longer than ~, the other Yes, she does. She has longer hair than the other girl. Basic p. 132
Alternative Answer Q. Does the girl wearing a hat have longer hair than the girl without a hat? Yes, she does. The girl wearing a hat has long, straight, blonde hair while the girl without a hat has short, curly hair. Key words straight, blonde, short, curly Alternative p. 132
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. What is the woman doing? What? Yes/No 의 대답이 아닌, 그림 설명 필요. 현재진행형 (~ing) 사용 get on the train, take the train, go somewhere Basic p. 132
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. What is the woman doing? What? Yes/No 의 대답이 아닌, 그림 설명 필요. 현재진행형 (~ing) 사용 get on the train, take the train, go somewhere The woman is getting on the train. She is going to take the train to go somewhere. Basic p. 132
Alternative Answer Q. What is the woman doing? The woman is getting on the train. It seems that the woman is going on a vacation because she is carrying a big bag. Key words get on the train, go on a vacation, carry a big bag Alternative p. 132
연계 질문에 답하기 → 4 개의 질문에 연계하여 대답하기 → 주변사람, 개인적인 취향 및 선호, 예약상황, 학교 및 일상생활 소재 → 채점기준 발음, 억양, 시제, 문장화, 의도에 맞는 대답, 질문에 모든 대답 Actual Test 2, Type 2
1.Where are we going? 2. What are we going shopping for? 3. How long will we go shopping for? 4. How much money are you going to bring? p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. Where are we going? Where? 위치에 대해 구체적으로 서술 be going to~ 문장과 묘사 shopping center, near, house, many different kinds of stores p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. Where are we going? Where? 위치에 대해 구체적으로 서술 be going to~ 문장과 묘사 shopping center, near, house, many different kinds of stores We are going to the shopping center near my house. The shopping center just opened, and it has many different kinds of stores. p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. What are we going shopping for? What? 질문에 직접적인 대답 shopping 목적을 말하고, 그 이유도 설명. clothes shopping, clothing stores, visit, other places Basic p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. What are we going shopping for? What? 질문에 직접적인 대답 shopping 목적을 말하고, 그 이유도 설명. clothes shopping, clothing stores, visit, other places I want to go clothes shopping because the shopping center has many clothing stores, but we can visit some other places as well. Basic p. 133
Alternative Answer I want to go jewelry shopping because the shopping center has a new jewelry store. I’ve never visited before, and I also heard that the store is on sale. Key words jewelry shopping, new jewelry store, never visited before, on sale. Alternative Q. What are we going shopping for? p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. How long will we go shopping for? How long? 기간에 대한 대답이 필요 shopping 시간을 말해주고, 쇼핑 중 일어날 일도 부연 설명 go shopping for, after shopping, get something to eat, food court Basic p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. How long will we go shopping for? How long? 기간에 대한 대답이 필요 shopping 시간을 말해주고, 쇼핑 중 일어날 일도 부연 설명 go shopping for, after shopping, get something to eat, food court We can go shopping for two or three hours. After we finish shopping, we can get something to eat at the food court in the shopping center. Basic p. 133
Alternative Answer I think we will go shopping for around 3 hours. After we finish shopping, we will have lunch in the food court because we will be starving by then. Key words go shopping for, have lunch, starving Alternative Q. How long will we go shopping for? p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words Q. How much money are you going to bring? How much? 가격 / 금액에 대한 대답이 필요 돈의 금액에 대해서 말하고, 그 이유도 설명 100,000 won, birthday, parents, to buy some clothes Basic p. 133
1.Question type 2. Understand the question 3. Key words 4. Pronunciation & Accent Q. How much money are you going to bring? How much? 가격 / 금액에 대한 대답이 필요 돈의 금액에 대해서 말하고, 그 이유도 설명 100,000 won, birthday, parents, to buy some clothes I’m going to bring 100,000 won. My birthday was yesterday so my parents gave me some money to buy some clothes. Basic p. 133
Alternative Answer I’m going to bring about 250,000 won for shopping. I have been saving money to buy expensive earrings for myself. Key words 250,000 won, have been saving money, to buy, Alternative Q. How much money are you going to bring? p. 133