LPPS Middle School School Math Smartboard Group June 24, :00-3:00 Facilitated by Kevin Blount Holden School
Agenda More Easy Ways to start using the Smartboard The Notebook 10 Gallery Looking at Smartboard lessons that have more interactive features. Building interactive features into our lessons using the Lesson Activity Toolkit 2.0
Play Online Educational Games as a Class (Grades K-5) (Grade 6-8 interactive features)
Just start typing and a typing box will appear! Change Size Center Color
Your Turn Try to create a click and drag activity. Try changing the fonts and colors to make things more interesting.
Slide Sorter tab Gallery Tab (Has a gallery of clip art, interactive Lesson Activity Tools, and more) Attachments Format items Switch this display to other side of screen Move back a slide Move forward a slide Insert a blank slide Always click “Auto Hide”
Fun things in the Gallery Type “dice” in the search box. Pick “Interactive and Multimedia.” Select the dice you want (some of them speak in different languages) Pull the dice to the work area
Fun things in the Gallery Enter “timer” in the search box. Pick “Interactive and Multimedia” Drag the timer you want to the Work area.
Press the green and red arrows to set the amount of time you want. Stop Start Reset
Fun things in the Gallery Type Spinner in the search box. Click on Interactive and Multimedia Drag this spinner to the work area.
Customizing Re-size tab EDIT tab
Tell it how many segments you want. Adjust fonts, sizes, colors Click on a segment. Add any words/symbols you want. When you are done, click “SAVE” You want to create a spinner to simulate that six students from grades 1-6 have an equal chance of winning a drawing.
Automatic Card Deck Enter “Card” in the search box. Click “Interactive and Multimedia” Drag to work area.
(Made with the Automatic Card Deck
C Enter “coin toss” in the search Choose Interactive and Multimedia Drag to work area Coin Flipper
The Infinite Cloner The Penny-a-Day Problem Enter “Coin.” Find “Pictures” Scroll down until you find the US Penny Drag to Desktop
The Infinite Cloner Click the pull- down menu in the top right corner. Click “Infinite Cloner”
Activity Made with the Infinite Cloner.
Let’s do this one together! Pull up a number line from the gallery. Put a red dot on the screen. Make it an infinite cloner. Have students put a dot on the numbers you call out.
The Lesson Activity TOOLKIT 2.0 The Lesson Activity Toolkit has may of the cool interactive features teachers want to build in their lessons. Keep it updated! Pick “Help” then “Check for Updates”
Creating an Interactive Multiple- Choice Question Select the Green Multiple Choice Question from the Lesson Activity Toolkit 1.0.
Type in the question and 4 possible answers. Type the correct answer. Then press OK.
Creating a Keyword-Match Activity Go to the Lesson Activity Toolkit. Pick Purple Keyword Match.
Type Answers on one side, clues on the other. Press OK when finished.
This is what the students will see when they play the game. They will Drag the word to its proper place.
The student can press “CHECK” when they are finished to see what they got right and wrong. You can press “RESET” to play again.
1.Go to the Gallery tab. Type in “Vortex” in the search box. 2.Pick your color. 3.Drag it to the work area. 4. Use the lower left corner to re-size. 5. Press EDIT to add your content. Creating a Vortex
Type in the items that go into Vortex 1 and into Vortex 2.
Students will drag the fraction into its vortex. If they are correct, the Vortex will consume the fraction. If not, it will throw it back out! After the game ends, you can play again if you hit “RESET”
Image Match!
Image Match Choose an “Image Match”
Tell it the number of matches you want.
Copy and drag 4 images to the boxes. Type the correct answer by it. Prese OK when done.
Students Play by sliding the correct equation to its graph.
Students check their answer by clicking on “Check”
Creating a Category Sort Let’s see if you can do this with your group!
education.smarttech.com Educator Resources
Click on “Notebook lesson activities”
Click on United States Browsing Curriculum Standards
Click on “Standards” Use the pull-down menu to find “Louisiana Standards” Select Grade and Subject Then hit “SEARCH”
The GLE’s for the course will be listed. If Smarttech has a lesson, it will say “Find correlated Lesson activity”
Smarttech will show you a list of Smartboard lessons available for this GLE.
You will get a short description of the activity. If you want it, click on the link below “Download this lesson activity.” Note: Although we are using Version 10 of Notebook, you can download earlier versions!
This window comes up. Click “OK”
Depending on your computer and internet speeds, it may take a few seconds or several minutes for the lesson to download. It will automatically open itself up in Notebook 10.
Notes Once you download a Notebook lesson, you can edit it, change it, and re-save it to your computer. Just because it’s on Smarttech doesn’t mean it’s a good lesson. Just because Smarttech says a lesson corresponds to a certain grade level and GLE “it ain’t necessarily so…..”
Group Task Spend 30 minutes searching for lessons that you can use. Share a lesson that you found with people in your group.
Let’s review our skills by creating this domino fraction game
Practice Time Spend 30 minutes working on a lesson that you can use in the near future! It should include some gallery items!!!