After putting your AP practice on the front table, take out your copy of The Right Stuff. We will be discussing the argument Wolfe has built since “Chapter 1”. 2 February 2015 Today’s Agenda: 1.The Right Stuff – “Chapters V through IX” 2.15 minutes to read what “might” happen tomorrow in class… maybe HMWK: AP Practice #13 (7d) DUE on Monday, 2/9/15 Read Chapters 10 through 12 for Monday, 2/9/15 Be working on your Senior Project consistently! Aim to have it completed by Spring Break!
Pick up some essay paper, review the notes you made on the sources from yesterday, and get ready to write – in pen of course. 3 February 2015 Today’s Agenda: 1.Synthesis Timed Write #1 HMWK: AP Practice #13 (7d) DUE on Monday, 2/9/15 Read Chapters 10 through 12 for Monday, 2/9/15 Be working on your Senior Project consistently! Aim to have it completed by Spring Break!
Get your laptops, log on, and pull up the example paper posted on the website. Read it over and consider what you would add to it or subtract from it. 4 February 2015 Today’s Agenda: 1.Example Iconoclast Papers 2.The Right Stuff – Building an Argument with Music? HMWK: AP Practice #13 (7d) DUE on Monday, 2/9/15 Read Chapters 10 through 12 for Monday, 2/9/15 Be working on your Senior Project consistently! Aim to have it completed by Spring Break!
Tonight, you will be analyzing the following excerpt for homework. Read it over and consider its value in this moment. 5 February 2015 Today’s Agenda: 1.Excerpt Analysis 2.The Right Stuff – Music that Sends a Message HMWK: Analyze excerpt for tomorrow’s class AP Practice #13 (7d) DUE on Monday, 2/9/15 Read Chapters 10 through 12 for Monday, 2/9/15 Be working on your Senior Project consistently! Aim to have it completed by Spring Break!
Take out your notebooks and get ready to be bombarded by media! 6 February 2015 Today’s Agenda: 1.Visual Rhetoric – Music and Super Bowl Advertisements HMWK: AP Practice #13 (7d) DUE on Monday, 2/9/15 Read Chapters 10 through 12 for Monday, 2/9/15 Be working on your Senior Project consistently! Aim to have it completed by Spring Break!