Eve of Exploration
I. Ottoman Empire forced European traders to look for all water routes to India and China. 1. Portugal and Spain take the lead
II. Spain: ruled by King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile (1469)
1. Isabella and Ferdinand financed Christopher Columbus’s legendary journey to the America’s.
Dear Christopher Columbus, I think your idea is very good. The voyage may be tricky, but you'll probably be able to sail to the Indies and back in a shorter time than the rest of the paths. Although, it might not work. I hope you have fun. Sincerely, Queen Isabella
2. Reconquista—campaign began by Christians to recapture Spain from the Moors (Spanish Muslims)
3. Inquisition—Isabella and Ferdinand organized court to seek out heresy.
A. Results: a. Muslims and Jews were questioned and tortured into admitting heresy
b.Those who refused to convert to Christianity were tortured, burned at the stake, or exiled (about 150,000 people)
III. Impact of Technology on Exploration: 1. Printing Press—made books on the world and geography more available
2. gunpowder—brought to Europe by Arab traders in 1200’s A. European trading ships were now equipped with cannons
3. Naval Technology: A. cartographers—mapmakers made more accurate maps
B. compass—Europeans learned to use to tell direction at sea
C. astrolabe—developed by Arabs to help figure out latitude at sea
Make a trading card for each of the following explorers: ♦ Bartolomeu Dias (Pages ) ♦ Vasco da Gama (Page 466) ♦ Christopher Columbus (Page and 489) ♦ Hernando Cortez (Pages ) ♦ Francisco Pizarro (Page ) For each explorer, include the following information of the lined side of your index cards: ♦ The years they sailed ♦ The country they sailed for ♦ Their goal ♦ Their discovery/achievement ♦ Their treatment towards the natives (Columbus, Cortez, Pizarro ONLY!) On the blank side of the index card, draw a picture depicting the explorer’s discovery and achievement. DO NOT write the explorer’s name on the picture side!
Using a different color for each explorer, plot the voyages of each of the following explorers on the blank map: ♦ Bartolomeu Dias (Pgs 467) ♦ Vasco da Gama (Pg 467) ♦ Christopher Columbus in 1492 (Pg 484) ♦ Hernando Cortez (Pgs 484) ♦ Francisco Pizarro (Pg 484) On the back side of your map, list each explorer and describe: ♦ Their discovery/achievement