Chapter 13, Section 3: GDP and Population What is the current life expectancy in the U.S?
Population in the U.S. 1. Counting the population - census: official count of all ppl.; ev. 10 years Census Bureau: urban and rural pop.
Population (cond) 2. Historical Growth - pop. has grown, but there has been a steady decline - Smaller households (avg. household is 2.11 children)
Population (Continued) 3. Regional Changes 1970s migration to South and West (Figure 13.6) WHY?? Weather, new industries 4. Center of Population: point where the country would balance if it could be laid flat and all the people weighed the same 1790: Baltimore, Maryland 2000: Edgar Springs, Missouri 2010: Plato Missouri
Projected Population Trends 1. Factors Affecting Population Growth a. Fertility rate: amount of children a woman will give birth to in her lifetime b. Life expectancy Today: years 2050: 82.1 years c. Net immigration: the net change in pop. caused by people moving into and out of the country
Population Trends (cond) 2. Projections by Age and Gender a. Baby boomers ( ) make up majority of pop b. Women tend to outlive men c. Population Pyramid: bar graph showing the breakdown of population of age by gender and age a. See pg. 360: Figure 13.7 (2002)