Salt Lake City Rec Center My internship at a youth sports camp By Andrew Albers
Responsibilities Check People in at desk Help make sure games go smoothly Help referee games when needed Clean up trash In charge of flag football league Set up drills Coach teams in t-ball and football
Days working and hours In March and April I worked Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 4 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours respectively In May, June and July I worked Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for 4 hours every day
Sports and services offered Soccer ages 3-5 th grade Tball ages 3-8 Flag football 1 st -5 th grade Site rental during the evenings
Challenges Dealing with parents was the biggest challenge Finding a competitive balance all kids enjoy Dealing with everyday issues such as lost shirts or confusion on game time Making sure there is no food or drinks at all because we get fined if there is
Biggest Lessons Learned Parents appreciate a well run league more than if their kids have fun Return customers come from the parents view on the league not the kids Shorter games for younger kids is a must Medals are appreciated by kids more than a small trophy Soccer is the biggest money maker