facebook F.W. de Klerk is preparing to end the Apartheid WallPhotosFlairBoxesF.W de KlerkLogout View photos of Frederick (5) Send F.W. de Klerk a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: South Africa Birthday: March 18, 1936 Political: National Party Religion: Christian Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa Friends Nelson Desmond P.W. Botha Jacob Thabo F.W. de Klerk was just awarded the Nobel Peace Prize December 5, 1993 Oliver F.W. de Klerk passed to the legislation that repealed discriminatory laws in South Africa October 8, 1991 F.W. de Klerk just won the election for president of South Africa November 14, 1989 F.W. de Klerk is now the leader of the House of Assembly June, F.W. de Klerk has just joined the South African Anti-Apartheid group February 5, 1972 F.W. de Klerk was elected to parliament of the National Party January 5, 1972
Personal Information facebook F.W. de Klerk is preparing to end the Apartheid WallPhotosFlairBoxesF.W. de KlerkLogout View photos of Frederick (5) Send F.W. de Klerk a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: South Africa Birthday: March 18, 1936 Political: National Party Religion: Christian Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa Photos Networks: South Africa Sex: Male Birthday: March 18, 1936 Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa Relationship Status: Married to Elita Georgiades Political Views: National Party Religious Views: Christian Activities: President of South Africa, want to end the Apartheid and Racial Segregation Interests: Writing, Golf, Reading, and Vacations on Mount Fuji Favorite Music: Beethoven’s Fifth, Blowin’ in the Wind Favorite Movies: The Color Purple, Roots Favorite TV Shows: The Cosby Show, Different Strokes Favorite Books: Uncle Tom’s Cabin At Home Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums With Mandela Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: South Africa Capital Building, Johannesburg, South Africa Phone Number: (124)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesF.W. de KlerkLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Frederick 5 Photos JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums At Home 5 photos With Mandela 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Have you ever gone to jail? No Where were you born? Johannesburg, South Africa What political group are you apart of? National Party What is apartheid? It is a segregated political system What role did you play in the anti-apartheid movement? I passed the anti-apartheid law for South Africa in 1981
Sources W.+de+Klerk&safe=active&es_sm=9 3&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei =93tjVNDOMIeXNtrFg6AO&ved=0C AgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=895&s url=1http:// W.+de+Klerk&safe=active&es_sm=9 3&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei =93tjVNDOMIeXNtrFg6AO&ved=0C AgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=895&s url=1 d/topic/153615/FW-de-Klerkhttp:// d/topic/153615/FW-de-Klerk 010/jan/31/nelson-mandela-de-klerk- apartheidhttp:// 010/jan/31/nelson-mandela-de-klerk- apartheid