Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Mariano Fernández-López Asunción Gómez-Pérez Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical University of Madrid (UPM) Spain
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Outline 1. Introduction 2. OntoClean 3. WebODE 4. ODEClean 5. Conclusions
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Introduction. Ontology evaluation As ontologies move from academic institutions into commercial environments they have to fulfil stronger requirements (e.g. concerning correctness, consistency, completeness, conciseness, etc.) The evaluation is a key activity in ontology development Gómez Pérez’s approach Approaches Gómez-Pérez, A. “Evaluation of Ontologies”. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 16(3). March, Kalfoglou and colleagues’ approach Y.Kalfoglou, D.Robertson. "Managing Ontological Constraints", In Proceedings of the IJCAI-99 workshop on Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods (KRR5), Stockholm, Sweden, August OntoClean Welty, C.; Guarino, N. Supporting Ontological Analysis of Taxonomic Relationships. Data and Knowledge Engineering. September 2001.
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Introduction. Ontology evaluation with METHONTOLOGY Most of the ontology development methodologies include an evaluation activity METHONTOLOGY proposes to evaluate the ontology during its whole life cycle Fernández-López, M.; Gómez-Pérez, A.; Pazos, J.; Pazos, A. Building a Chemical Ontology using methontology and the Ontology Design Environment. IEEE Intelligent Systems and their applications. #4 (1): WebODE is the workbench that gives technological support to some activities of METHONTOLOGY Corcho, O., Fernández-López, M., Gómez-Pérez, A., Vicente, O. WebODE: an integrated workbench for ontology representation, reasoning and exchange. 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management EKAW
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Introduction. METHONTOLOGY and OntoClean METHONTOLOGY does not propose a set of design principles that guide the development of taxonomic knowledge and methods to clean tangled taxonomies. We have integrated OntoClean in METHONTOLOGY
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Introduction. METHONTOLOGY and OntoClean METHONTOLOGY OntoClean WebODE Methodologies Software METHONTOLOGY WebODE Metothologies Software Methodology integration OntoClean Software building METHONTOLOGY WebODE Methodologies Software OntoClean module
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Introduction. METHONTOLOGY and OntoClean METHONTOLOGY OntoClean WebODE Methodologies Software METHONTOLOGY WebODE Metothologies Software Methodology integration OntoClean Software building METHONTOLOGY WebODE Methodologies Software OntoClean Módulo OntoClean Fernández- López, M.; Gómez-Pérez, A.; Guarino, N “The Methontology & OntoClean merge”. Technical Report, OntoWeb special interest group on Enterprise- standards Ontology Environments. Amsterdam. 2001
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Introduction. METHONTOLOGY and OntoClean Specification ConceptualizationMaintenance Development activities Support activities Knowledge acquisition Evaluation Documentation Configuration Management Formalization Integration Implementation Management activities Scheduling Control Quality assurance OntoClean inclusion
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE METHONTOLOGY OntoClean WebODE Methodologies Software METHONTOLOGY WebODE Metothologies Software Methodology integration OntoClean Software building METHONTOLOGY WebODE Methodologies Software OntoClean module OntoClean
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE OntoClean OntoClean has been elaborated by the Ontology Group of the LADSEB-CNR in Padova (Italy). It is a method to clean taxonomies according to notions such as: rigidity, identity and unity. Top level of universals Is useful to obtain Step 1, step 2,... Method steps Meta-properties of the concepts of the taxonomy to be evaluated: Associated to rigidity: is rigid, is anti-rigid or is non-rigid Associated to identity: carries identity criterion or supplies identity criterion Associated to unity: carries unity ( ) Are useful to apply obtain Cleaned taxonomy Tangled taxonomy Has to be cleaned
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE OntoClean meta-properties OntoClean has been elaborated by the Ontology Group of the LADSEB-CNR in Padova (Italy). It is a method to clean taxonomies according to notions such as: rigidity, identity and unity. Top level of universals Is useful to obtain Step 1, step 2,... Method steps Meta-properties of the concepts of the taxonomy to be evaluated: Associated to rigidity: is rigid, is anti-rigid or is non-rigid Associated to identity: carries identity criterion or supplies identity criterion Associated to unity: carries unity ( ) Are useful to apply obtain Cleaned taxonomy Tangled taxonomy Has to be cleaned
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE OntoClean metaproperties associated to the rigidity notion Essence: a property is essential to an individual if and only if necessarily holds for that individual John is necessarily a person Rigidity A property is rigid (+R) if and only if is necessarily essential to all its instances A property is non-rigid (-R) if and only if it is not essential to some of its instances, A property is anti-rigid (~R) if and only if it is not essential to all its instances. Person is an essential property for every individual John is not necessarily a student
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE We can say that an individual is a whole if and only if it is made by a set of parts unified by a relation R. British Airways is a whole unified by the relation has president Unity (aprox. definition) A property P is said to carry unity (+U) if there is a common unifying relation R such that all the instances of P are wholes under R Enterprise-with-president carries unity since has president is the relation that unifies every instance OntoClean metaproperties associated to the unity notion
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Top level of universals Is useful to obtain Step 1, step 2,... Method steps Meta-properties of the concepts of the taxonomy to be evaluated: Associated to rigidity: is rigid, is anti-rigid or is non-rigid Associated to identity: carries identity criterion or supplies identity criterion Associated to unity: carries unity Are useful to apply obtain Cleaned taxonomy Tangled taxonomy Has to be cleaned
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE top level of particulars cartraveller my carJohn Smith instance of PARTICULARS UNIVERSALS subclass of instance of typerole top level of universals Top level of universals
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Top level of universals to obtain meta-properties top level of particulars cartraveller my carJohn Smith instance of PARTICULARS UNIVERSALS subclass of instance of typerole top level of universals Every type is rigid Car is a type Car is rigid
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE OntoClean method steps Top level of universals Is useful to obtain Step 1, step 2,... Method steps Meta-properties of the concepts of the taxonomy to be evaluated: Associated to rigidity: is rigid, is anti-rigid or is non-rigid Associated to identity: carries identity criterion or supplies identity criterion Associated to unity: carries unity ( ) Are useful to apply obtain Cleaned taxonomy Tangled taxonomy Has to be cleaned
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE 1) Put tags to every property assigning meta-properties PHYSICAL OBJECT FRUIT FOOD -D+O+U-R -D+O+U+R +D+I-O~U~R OntoClean method steps AMOUNT OF MATTER -D+O+U+R -D+O-U+R
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE 2) Focus just on the rigid properties (backbone taxonomy) OntoClean method steps PHYSICAL OBJECT FRUIT FOOD -D+O+U-R -D+O+U+R +D+I-O~U~R AMOUNT OF MATTER -D+O+U+R -D+O-U+R
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE 3) Evaluate the taxonomy taking into account cleaning axioms. For example, “a property carrying anti-unity has to be disjoint of a property carrying unity” OntoClean method steps PHYSICAL OBJECT FRUIT FOOD -D+O+U-R -D+O+U+R +D+I-O~U~R AMOUNT OF MATTER -D+O+U+R -D+O-U+R Physical object carries a unity criterion and amount of matter does not
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE 4) Consider non-rigid properties 5) Complete the taxonomy with other concepts and relations OntoClean method steps
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE METHONTOLOGY OntoClean WebODE Methodologies Software METHONTOLOGY WebODE Metothologies Software Methodology integration OntoClean Software building METHONTOLOGY WebODE Methodologies Software OntoClean module WebODE
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE WebODE
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE METHONTOLOGY OntoClean WebODE Methodologies Software METHONTOLOGY WebODE Metothologies Software Methodology integration OntoClean Software building METHONTOLOGY WebODE Methodologies Software OntoClean module OntoClean module
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE OntoClean module ODEClean functions ODEClean building ODEClean internal work
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE ODEClean functions ODEClean building ODEClean internal work
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE ODEClean functions Establishing the evaluation mode Assigning meta-properties to concepts Focusing on rigid properties Evaluation according to the taxonomic constraints
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Form-based web for ODEClean
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE OntoDesigner for evaluating taxonomies following OntoClean
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Errors detected by ODEClean
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE ODEClean building ODEClean functions ODEClean building ODEClean internal work
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE ODEClean building Top level of Universals + Meta-properties + Evaluation axioms Step 1. ODEClean’s ontology building Step 2. Translation into Prolog of ODEClean’s ontology ODEClean’s ontology in Prolog ODEClean’s ontology User interface Communication with the rest of WebODE Step 3. Building of the rest of the system ODECLEAN
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Example of axiom introduced in ODEClean ontology
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE ODEClean internal work ODEClean functions ODEClean building ODEClean internal work
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE ODEClean internal work ENRICHED TOP LEVEL OF UNIVERSALS PROPERTY Carries identity criterion: boolean Supplies identity criterion: boolean Carries anti-unity: boolean Carries unity: boolean Is dependent: boolean Is anti rigid: boolean Is rigid: boolean The rest of the top level of universals APPLE Carries identity criterion: yes Supplies identity criterion: yes Carries anti-unity: no Carries unity: yes Is dependent: no Is anti rigid: no Is rigid: yes Instance of FOOD Carries identity criterion: yes Supplies identity criterion: no Carries anti-unity: yes Carries unity: no Is dependent: yes Is anti rigid: yes Is rigid: no Instance of Subclass of ONTOLOGY IN PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Conclusions 1. Introduction 2. OntoClean 5. WebODE 6. ODEClean 7. Conclusions
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Conclusions We provide software support for a methodology which was applied by hand We have carried out an integration at the methodological level before performing it at the software level An ontology built by a group that has not participated in the development of WebODE has been introduced in WebODE and enriched The knowledge used to evaluate ontologies is declaratively specified
Mariano Fernández López &Asunción Gómez Pérez The integration of OntoClean in WebODE Mariano Fernández-López Asunción Gómez-Pérez Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical University of Madrid (UPM) Spain