AKT Doctoral Symposium/ Discussion Forum Planning and Updates Jessica Chen-Burger University of Edinburgh AKTors Group July 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

AKT Doctoral Symposium/ Discussion Forum Planning and Updates Jessica Chen-Burger University of Edinburgh AKTors Group July 2004

A Draft List of Topics Get to know you Form of the symposium/summer school Presentation/research subjects Who are the presenters ? Peer review Who are the participants ? Sign-up list. How many days ? Where/when will it be? Organisation Committees Legacy –Web site, Logo, research collaboration, discussion forum, attraction/visible to PGs internationally

Credential Jessica Chen-Burger Got a PhD in AI Did and am still doing research hopefully Supervise MSc/PhD projects Run KM/PM commercial workshops Organised a PeaPod workshop Organised SSP seminars in Edin. for 3 years Organised IRR/CISA seminars for 3 years: subscribers (188) to the mailing list extends beyond Edinburgh.

Get to Know You Name, Univ., Supervisor (when applicable) Your experiences: 1 st, final year, RF, etc. Research Area Interests and Research Topic Wish list/Ambition for the AKT Doctoral Symposium

Types of Forums PeaPod Workshop: CISA seminar: Summer School: html Any others ?

Deciding the Form of the Symposium Tutorial/talk Presentation, Tool Demo Poster Open forum discussion Topic oriented discussion Exercises ? How many days ? Where/when will it be? Social events ?

Presentation Subjects PhD students Presentation by topics Peer review Review from supervisory board

What other subjects are interesting ? Knowledge management Natural language processing Web services Constraint satisfaction Ontologies Social network and trust Knowledge based systems

Who are the participants ? The sign up list Invitation to all AKT DTA Invitation to other IRC DTA Extended invitation ? Advertising: –Personal links –Univ. ing lists, e.g. –AKT and other IRC ing lists –Professional ing list: e.g. seweb-list ? –Flyers for professional conferences ?

Organisation A dedicated DTA ing list already existed A “home” to store DTA related information –A tester: –any others ? Forming a program committee

Legacy of the Symposium Web site (Logo ?) Future collaboration A more permanent mailing list, discussion forum for PGs (inside and outwith AKT) Build longer term network Repository of resources for PGs On-line publishing of paper/slides – this may be only references to other sites.

Useful References for Research Methodologies Alan Bundy’s How-to Guides: toss/how-toss.html Jessica’s Informal Area: udent-study-note/ Any other info?

Organisation Committee Technical manager (web site): Sam Chapman, Sheffield Information officer: David Lambert, Edinburgh Symposium coordinator: Duncan McRae-Spencer, Soton Communication officer: Li Guo, Edinburgh; Y. Lei, OU. Local organiser: Suraj Ajit, Aberdeen. Advisory board: Nigel Shadbolt, Dave Robertson, Austin Tate, Hugh Glaser, monica schraefel, Steve Potter, Jessica Chen-Burger,… Ultimate Goal: PG to take ownership !!

Next Step Set up a dedicated ing list: coordinated by Duncan, assisted by David and Li, ideas from ALL Set up a dedicated web site: coordinated by Sam – ideas contributed from ALL Brain storming about the up-coming Doctoral Symposium in order to generate a draft “Call for Papers” – coordinated by Duncan and Li and participation from ALL Sign up to the Doctoral Symposium for yourself and encourage others to do so. Explain the Doctoral Symposium/Forum to your PIs and supervisors and invite them to be on the Advisory board – their first task is to help reviewing papers !! (put on smiles for this one) Brain storming, discussion and contribution (face to face and s) as to what material is relevant and therefore worth to add to the web site. Use the mailing list to exchange ideas, get inspiration/references, and most importantly enjoy and make friends !!

When designing the web site Consider where will be a good place to host this web site, points to consider: –Low maintenance, prominent/visible to the outside world, archives management, access for several persons in parallel from different sites, facilities to allow personalisation for members, access control, etc. Consider what will be the appropriate name for this space Consider what are the aims of this space and describe them in the web site The doctoral symposium may be described in a separate web page but linked to the main page Describe the included research areas and possibly information about its members and advisors.

Organisation for the Symposium Info about advisorary board: name, univ., as well as research areas Info about PGs: name, univ., research areas, as well as names of their supervisors Info about submitted papers: author, univ., research areas, and author’s supervisors (some info overlapped with the above) All info will be kept private, but can be used to assist the process of matching papers and their reviewers. Any other points ?

Initial Contact Information Jessica Chen-Burger, Informal planning and working area: – – DS/ –Testing area: doctoral-forum/ Make use of the group ing list, once it is set up. Good luck and wish you have great research experience !!