Bruce E. Wilson Group Leader, Environmental Data Science and Systems September 28, Emerging Collaborations in Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gas Data Systems
2 Briefing Objective and Background Objective: Provide info to UWG on currently developing collaborations relevant to CDIAC Background – CDIAC data and expertise are critical to these efforts CDIAC will supply data to the projects, as appropriate – CDIAC core funding is not being used for these projects – We are seeking funding from others as this work develops – Anticipated benefits Grow CDIAC capabilities and expertise, in ways consistent with DOE mission Contribute to important CDIAC-relevant science
3 Greenhouse Gas Information System Goal: Data and analysis to support GHG treaty compliance estimates – For US Government decision makers – Likelihood that another country has or has not lived up to treaty obligations – Assimilation of large quantities of data on GHG – Capable of transparent disclosure Current status – Scoping study underway – Collaboration of multiple DOE labs + JPL Change from Insert tab | Header & Footer
4 NASA Carbon Monitoring System Current Goal: Assess capabilities and needs for an operational Carbon Monitoring System to support open science and policy development, including USGCRP and IPCC assessments – Congressional directive to NASA – Fossil fuel emissions and Ameriflux are key data sources – Integrate ground- and space-based observations – Natural and human-cause sources and sinks – Strong connections with CDIAC collaborators Current status – Draft scoping document in development – Pilot projects underway (at NASA centers) Change from Insert tab | Header & Footer