The Pancreas by esi & luke.
An Introduction to the Pancreas Location → The pancreas is located deep within the abdomen of the body, beneath the liver.
An Introduction the Pancreas (continued) The Pancreas is roughly the size of a banana which has been stepped on or flattened. It is made up of two different types of tissues: → islets of Langerhans → darker surrounding tissues Because the pancreas secretes both digestive enzymes & several important hormones, it is at once an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland.
Exocrine Portion → The exocrine portion of the pancreas is made up of the darker tissue that surrounds the islets of Langerhans → Its main function is to secrete enzymes to break down food
Endocrine Portion → The endocrine portion of the pancreas is made up of the islets of Langerhans. → There are four types of cells within the islets, and they are responsible for secreting the following hormones: Insulin & amylin, which lower blood sugar Glucagon, which raises blood sugar Somatostatin, which inhibits the endocrine pancreatic portion Pancreatic polypeptide, which inhibits the exocrine pancreatic portion
Diseases Associated with the Pancreas Diabetes mellitus Benign tumours Cystic fibrosis Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency Hemosuccus pancreaticus Pancreatitis Pancreatic pseudocyst
Diseases Associated with the Pancreas (continued) Diabetes Mellitus → diabetes is a disease which is related to the body’s inability to produce a sufficient amount of insulin, or it’s inability to utilize it. → There are three types of this disease, type one diabetes, type two diabetes, and gestational diabetes. type one diabetes usually affects children, adolescents, & young adults In type one diabetes, one’s body does not produce a sufficient amount of insulin. Type two diabetes usually affects overweight adults, though it has been diagnosed in young adults, and in rare cases, children. In type two diabetes, one’s body produces insulin, but cannot utilize it. Gestational diabetes occurs in 2%-4% of pregnant women, but normally disappears after the baby is born. In gestational diabetes, a woman undergoes a period of glucose intolerance. → we have a song to help you to better understand diabetes.
Interesting… Have you ever had sweetbread? Sweetbread is the pancreas of a lamb or goat.
Bibliography diabete/english/whatis/index.html diabete/english/whatis/index.html Nelson Biology Twelve