RECAP This year, year what? Mother how-old? BSL class, first day when? Telephone number what? House number what? Brother/sister have? Arrive time, what-time? Today what-date?
Family who? Relationship what? Conversation Ask 2-3 questions – follow up Widely vocabulary – Age Birthday Live
LEARNING OUTCOMES Aim: To be able to maintain basic social conversations in BSL in the following domains: describing people, colours and clothes Objectives: At the end of the session, student should be able to: 1.Use a range of vocabulary for describing people, colours and clothes 2.Describe and ask questions about describing people, colours and clothes 3.Demonstrate facial expression correctly
Cultural; - don’t think the descriptions of people are rude or use pointing in environment. It is BSL as visual the language Tip: non manual feature
ACTIVITY 1 Pop stars Sportsmen TV stars Yourself Teacher Students
ACTIVITY 2 – YOUR FAMILY/FRIENDS Numbers – age how-many Fingerspelling for name *Flow and pace signing*Placement Describing – including; colour, personality, emotions – widely vocabulary Strong look like who? brother/sister - father/mother
CONCLUSION Achieved learning outcomes: Know signs for describing people, colour and clothes Know signs for describing people, colour and clothes Complete activities for describing people including colour and clothes Complete activities for describing people including colour and clothes Homeworks: Presentation about your describing of your family/friend (including numbers e.g. colour, age, height, favourite clothes shop, regular wear) for 3 minutes and send clip by Thursday Activity 1 – pick 2 description of persons for next session Activity 2 – part for your homework clip