Reading is something you can hardly do without. You read so you can learn about a movie before deciding to see it. You read to understand a class schedule, to do well on your history test, to follow a road map, or get news from an by a friend.
Being a good reader will help you not only in school but also in life!
Reading is great entertainment. You read the sports pages, interviews with TV or film stars, mystery novels, and magazine articles because it’s fun to read
Reading helps you understand the world and your life. You read to learn about current events, computers, guitars, and much more. Reading gives you the information you need.
Reading brings you things that are meaningful— letters, historical documents, great ideas, new facts. Whatever your interests, reading helps you locate and learn about what has meaning for you.
Reading expands your mind. It develops your thinking processes and stretches your imagination. It helps you answer questions about what you believe and what the best way to lead your life is.
Reading a well-written story, article, or poem can be highly pleasurable. Just as you appreciate the colors in a painting, you may like the writing style of certain writers. Writers can create art with words
Reading is almost as easy as talking. You do it almost automatically. You read street signs, headlines on the internet, names of movies, store display signs, and labels on food. It’s a habit.
1.What is one thing you have read and enjoyed so much that you laughed out loud during it? 2.Name one sign you read this week that gave you the information you were looking for. 3.Give the name of one thing you have read that has stretched your imagination. 4.What was one thing you read that made you cry? 5.Name one thing you read on the internet last night.
Study these notes...for more tests on this subject matter may be in your future !