SEAP - Single electronic access point Enabling lodging of customs declarations across EU
Current state Single customs area, 26 customs administrations, 26 different systems. EDI between customs administrations is standardized, EDI between administration and clients (external domain) is left to local implementation. In Modernized Customs Code the electronic lodging of declarations is the norm.
Current state No legal obstacles - declaration can be lodged by any entity established in the customs territory of the Community. The companies are not able to use single interface to customs wherever they are in EU for purely technical reasons. Standardizing EDI between administrations and external domain is not priority agenda for EU (after 2013). New challenges from with introduction of entry summary declaration.
How to implement the SEAP? 1. Data to be exchanged has to be standardized: - analysis of the required message flow. Not all countries have same message flow - analysis of the data to be exchanged. Even the same messages sometimes require different data. - some procedures are more harmonised accross EU countries than others 2. The common communication protocols and infrastructure have to be agreed upon. 3. The registration process is country-specific and there is currently no way around, but documentation and instructions should be provided.
How to implement the SEAP – EurTradeNet way This process requires cooperation with people and companies with knowledge of local customs systems. EurTradeNet is a just such a group of market-leading Customs-related Service Providers (CRSPs) that has already solved much of the steps required for SEAP and is already implementing a solution for lodging export declarations in Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and Slovenia. Availability from begining 2009
Who can benefit? Any company that wants to perform customs procedures in different EU countries. Being able to use single software solution lowers barrier to entry - less integration necessary and less locally specific knowledge needed.
The challenges? Finding the partners for every EU country. Covering as much customs procedures as possible - import will have to wait for AIS. For exception handling and support there is still local provider needed. Signing with personal digital certificates complicates operations.
Thank you! Andrej Vidmar Trinet d.o.o.