1. CHARACTERISTICS Melody is composed by means of symmetric and balanced musical phrases. Harmony becomes simple and regular. Rhythm is very defined and regular. Texture is mainly melody dominated homophony. There are a greater range of dynamics and articulations ( crescendos, diminuendos, …) Vienna became the musical capital of Europe.
2. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Instrumental music was more important than vocal music during the Classical period. More and more instruments were added to the orchestra, including the flute, clarinet, oboe and bassoon. VOCAL MUSIC WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN
Sonata form: In the first section, the exposition, the melodies are exposed or introduced. The second section is called the development, and in this section themes are altered and used however the composer wishes. The third section, named the recapitulation, restates all themes. Sometimes sonata form includes an introduction and a coda.
2.1. INSTRUMENTAL FORMS Concerto. The soloist was featured as the rest of the orchestra provided accompaniment. Concertos were written for all instruments in the classical orchestra. Symphony. The word symphony means “sounding together”, and it applies to the full orchestra all playing at the same time. Sonatas. Were written for one or two instruments. Most sonatas were written for the favorite instrument of the time, the piano.
CONCERTO SYMPHONY SONATA 1º Mov. Concerto for piano nº 20 Mozart 2º mov Symphony The surprise Haydn Moonlight Sonata Beethoven
3. VOCAL MUSIC 3.1. SECULAR VOCAL MUSIC Secular vocal music in the Classical period was centered in opera. Two styles of opera continued to be developed during this period: opera seria and opera buffa but, opera buffa became much more popular. In Germany the comic operas was called singspiels.
Aria La Reina de la Noche de “La flauta Mágica”. Mozart. Singspiel.
3.2. RELIGIOUS VOCAL MUSIC During the late 18 th century, oratorios were identical to operas. The Creation, of Haydn, is one of the most important one. Masses became operatic styled pieces of literature for the orchestra, the solo voice and the chorus as well.
“The Creation” Haydn “ Mass of Requiem” Mozart