28/06/06 Kickoff Meeting WP2 Integrating and Reshaping the Expert and Expertise Basis WP leader NHMD - UKBH (Henrik Enghoff)
WP2 presentation: Table of contents 1.Background 2.Objectives 3.Activities (from EDIT Description of Work) 4.Organisation
1-Background (i) Integration and reshaping of the expert and expertise basis will: –facilitate users’ access to expertise –facilitate formation of targeted taskforces –pave the way towards an integrated recruitment strategy optimising investment in human resources It is the task of WP2 to initiate and support this integration process
1-Background (ii): What is taxonomy? (≈ alpha- taxonomy).Recognition, description and naming of taxa (≈ alpha- taxonomy). (≈ part of beta-taxonomy).Comparison of taxa, including studies of relationship (phylogeny) (≈ part of beta-taxonomy). (≈ part of beta-taxonomy).Classification of taxa (≈ part of beta-taxonomy). (≈ gamma- taxonomy),Study of (genetic) variation within species (≈ gamma- taxonomy), Construction of tools for identification (keys, DNA barcodes). Identification of taxa (using the tools) Inventories of taxa in specific areas or ecosystems (using the tools for identification)
1-Background (iii): What is a taxonomist? alpha-taxonomists: –describe, name, revise and synonymise taxa beta-taxonomists: –compare and classify taxa, make phylogenies gamma-taxonomists: –study infraspecific variation tool-makers: –construct keys and other identification tools tool-users: –identify taxa, make inventories
2-Objectives (i) Evaluating the European workforce – online information service Formation of EDIT task forces –e.g., for web revisions (WP6) and ATBIs (WP7) ”Early warning” – online information service of ongoing projects Mobility of researchers – explore existing possibilities –(later: maybe funding of staff exchanges)
2-Objectives (ii) Mobilising amateur taxonomists –through taxonomic societies Sustaining existing taxonomic networks –Through SMEBD ERMS, Fauna Europaea, Euro+Med Plantbase –Species 2000 Integrated recruitment strategy –delicate balance between European and national needs / priorities
. 3-Activities M 0-18 (i) 2.1 Information service on taxonomic experts –Deliverables: report on analysis of existing directories (M12) first version of online information service structure (M18) –Lead: Univ. Copenhagen –Contributions: all partners
. 3-Activities M 0-18 (ii) 2.2Information service on ongoing and planned taxonomic projects –Deliverable: First version of online information structure (M18) – Lead: Univ. Copenhagen –Contributions: all partners
. 3-Activities M 0-18 (iii) 2.3 Taxonomic societies and networks –Deliverable: First version of online information structure (M18) Conference for taxonomic societies and networks –Lead: Comenius Univ. Bratislava –Contributions: all partners –Subtasks
. 3-Activities M 0-18 (iv) 2.3 (continued): Subtasks under ”Taxonomic societies and networks” –Support for the Species 2000 network Mus. natn. Hist. Nat. Paris –Support for the Fauna Europaea network Naturalis, Leiden –Support for the Euro+Med Plantbase network Freie Univ. Berlin
3-Activities M 0-18 (v) 2.4 Mobility of researchers –Deliverable: Report on existing funding mechanisms for exchange of personnel’ –Marie Curie programme etc. – Lead: Univ. Copenhagen –Contributions: all partners
4-Organisation (i) WP2 Coordinator: Isabel Calabuig, Univ. Copenhagen Scheduled WP meetings: first meeting of partners (M3, here and now) second meeting of partners (M15) Conference for members of taxonomic societies and networks (CUB, SMEBD, Sp2000) Intersession communication: list:
4-Organisation (ii) Budget not distributed among partners expenses paid by Univ. Copenhagen Exception: Budget for task 2.3 distributed: Comenius Univ. Bratislava + Mus. Paris, + Naturalis Leiden, + Freie Univ. Berlin
4-Organisation (ii) EDIT coordination and management WP1 Coordination And integration Integrating the expert and expertise basis WP2 Integrating the infrastructure basis WP3 Coordinating research WP4 Resources Internet Platform for Cybertaxonomy WP5 Unifying Revisionary taxonomy WP6 Applying taxonomy to conservation WP7 Training and Public Awareness WP8 Products The place of WP2 in the broader EDIT framework
4-Organisation (iii) SYNTHESYS NA B EDIT WP2 Collaboration / division of work between WP2 and SYNTHESYS network activity B ”Complementarity”: –to be discussed with SYNTHESYS
28/06/06 Kickoff Meeting Thank you!