Raising Kingdom Families Lesson 4
Kingdom parenting involves intentionally overseeing the generational transfer of the faith in such a way that children learn to consistently live all of life under God’s divine rule. The greatest kingdom rule, given to us by God, is that of love. The Key Ingredient
We are to love God with all of our heart— the core of our desires and affections; with all of our mind— conforming our thinking to His Word; with all of our soul— placing the uniqueness of our personalities under His control; and with all of our strength— using our body and energy to perform His will. The Key Ingredient
Love always involves an element of connectedness, an important trait for establishing a healthy family. The Key Ingredient So how do we build connectedness in our families and raise our children according to God’s definition of kingdom- based love?
Love Lesson #1 I LOVE IS A VERB AND A CHOICE. Love always involves an element of connectedness, an important trait for establishing a healthy family.
The ability to sound good means nothing if it doesn’t stem from a truly loving heart. Your actions must demonstrate to them that the things they are struggling with get addressed, the areas where they need comfort get comforted, the esteem that they legitimately need is awarded, and the time they crave with you gets offered, or it’s just cheap clanging gongs. Love Lesson #1
It’s possible to look, act, and even sound very spiritual and still amount to nothing. If the foundation for your spiritual appearance is something other than love, in God’s eyes it is “nothing at all.” Love Lesson #2
Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is to let go, even if we cringe while doing it. The essence of a good teacher is patience— and as parents, we are teachers. Our children are the students. Nothing can crush a child more than the feeling that his parent is trying to off- load him quickly so as to move on to something else. Love Lesson #3
Family members who love one another encourage one another’s talents and gifts. They do not seek to “one up” each other.. Remember, even if your children’s gifts or talents are not the ones you would have chosen for them, they are the gifts and talents God has chosen. Love Lesson #4
Only a fool trips over what is behind him. Far too often, we hold the pain of the past over our loved one’s head like a club, or we remind them of the burden we still carry because of something they did years ago whenever we want to get the upper hand. Ultimately, unconditional love is one of the greatest ways of showing someone honor.. Love Lesson #5
Three Pillars of Parenting Encouragement Discipline Instruction
Encouragement There’s a difference between encouragement and praise, though. Praise is tied to what a person accomplished. Your child did something you want to acknowledge. Praise is good. But children need encouragement even more. Encouragement is not tied to what they did; it’s tied to who they are..
Discipline Discipline is a key factor in any victorious Christian life, whether it is discipline in money management, time spent, or personal morality. Parental discipline, when done well, trains your children to apply personal discipline as they grow older, as well as prevents them from making poor decisions later in life..
Discipline There are two primary forms of discipline. Outer discipline is provided and applied by someone or something outside of a person where inner discipline is both provided and applied by the individual himself. Inner discipline rarely occurs without outer discipline..
Discipline A critical component of all discipline is setting clear boundaries ahead of time. Disciplining your children for something they didn’t realize was wrong— and maybe was something that just irritated you— will bring about only confusion and animosity in them, not spiritual growth. God always sets clear boundaries with us, and we should do the same with our own children.
Instruction Bringing your children up in the instruction of the Lord requires a substantial time commitment. The goal isn’t just shaping the way they think and believe; it’s shaping the way they live. Instructing them in the Lord isn’t being as concerned about how much they know, but with how much they can apply.
Instruction Simply instructing your children without including the truths and principles of God’s Word may provide them with information, but it won’t give them wisdom to make right choices in their lives. By being with your children on a regular basis during normal, everyday life activities, you are able to capitalize on the teachable moments that present opportunities for you to mentor your child in the faith.
Instruction Instructing your children in the Lord ought to be done by the immersion method; it ought to be a lifestyle. It’s also important to intentionally create an atmosphere where your children feel free to ask you questions. This provides the greatest opportunity for learning because they will ask you about things that concern them the most.