WE ARE GATHERED Welcome & Announcements Preparation Gathering Song: MV 118 “Me Alone” Call to Worship Hymn: VU 567 “Will You Come and Follow Me?” Prayer WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD Scripture Readings Sermon: Follow Me Silent Reflection Prayers of the People WE COMMUNE Hymn: MV 28 “God of the Bible” WE ARE SENT OUT Hymn: VU 131 “If Our God Had Simply Saved Us” Blessing & Sending Forth
Preparation … silence … … A Lenten candle is lit … Gathering Song: MV 118 (in unison) Me alone, me alone in-a the wilderness. (x 2) Forty days and forty nights in-a the wilderness (x 2)
Just over the mountains, into a land of milk and honey: God goes on ahead of us. With our far-flung descendents, as many as the stars: God goes on ahead of us. Tending mustard seeds: God goes on ahead of us. Setting places at the feast: God goes on ahead of us. Beckoning us, in each moment, into that New Jerusalem: God goes on ahead of us. Through the darkest night on the Hill of the Skull: God goes on ahead of us. We need not fear, for our path is brightly lit. Thanks be to God.
Hymn: VU 567 “Will You Come and Follow Me?” Prayer
WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD Old Testament: Genesis 17:1-16 Herein is wisdom. Thanks be to God. Gospel: Mark 8:31-38 The Gospel of Christ. Praise to you, O Christ.
“Follow Me” Sung Ran Kim Sermon
… silence …
Sung refrain: (MV 8) And on this path, the gates of holiness are open wide. (x 3) Open wide! Open wide! The gates are open wide! Prayers of the People
WE COMMUNE Presentation Hymn: MV 28 “God of the Bible” Invocation before Communion … silence … Passing the Peace
… our sister and brother, we call “stranger.” You call us by name. With arms outstretched as on a cross, you call us to yourself, and you name us your own people. Eucharistic Prayer
… transform our fears, revive our visions. Renew us, O God, with your Spirit, that we may receive this mystery of our body, embracing its manifold gifts and needs, shouting an “Amen!” that resounds through our world. The Words of Institution & Lord’s Prayer
Music During Communion [VU 381] Spirit of life, come unto me. Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion. Blow in the wind, rise in the sea, move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice. Roots hold me close, wings set me free Spirit of life, come to me, come to me.
Prayer after Communion: All praise is yours, O God. You bring us to this table as sisters and brothers. Lead us now, through each of our moments, to that glorious day when all your children will gather as family. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who is our peace made flesh. Amen.
GOING FORTH Hymn: VU 131 “If Our God Had Simply Saved Us” Verses 1, 2, 10, 14, 15 Blessing & Sending Forth
Wednesday, March 4 th All material used with permission or under OneLicense.net A A Lenten Liturgy with leadership by Rev. Dr. John L. Bell The Iona Community