Topic F dividing decimals STANDARD - 5.NBT.3, 5.NBT.7
Objective: D ivide decimals with a remainder using place value understanding and relate to a written method. Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 14
MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THIS LESSON P ersonal White Boards number disks Teacher Student Teacher Pages Student Pages P roblem Set Exit Ticket Homework
Fluency Practice (12 minutes)
Multiply and Divide by Exponents 5.NBT.2 3 minutes Write 65 tenths as a decimal Multiply it by 102
0.7 x 102
0.8 x 102
x 103
5472 x 103
Round to Different Place Vlaues 5.NBT.4 3 minutes Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredths
Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredths
Find the Quotient 5.NBT.5 6 minutes 14 2 =
1.4 2 = =
24 3 = =
= 30 3 =
3 5 = 4 5 = 2 5 =
Application Problem (8 minutes) A bag of potato chips contains 0.96 grams of sodium. If the bag is split into 8 equal servings, how many grams of sodium will each serving contain?
Concept Development (30 minutes)
Problem 1 Dividing with decimals = ones tenths hundredths
= ones tenths hundredths
Problem 2 Dividing with decimals = ones tenths hundredths
= ones tenths hundredths tens
Problem 3 Dividing with decimals = ones tenths hundredths thousandths tens
Problem Set (10 minutes) Do Your Personal Best (Complete independently!)
Student Debrief (10 minutes) Explain your approach #4 Look at the quotients in #1a and b. What do you notice about the values in the ones place? Explain why 1b has a zero in the ones place. How are dividing decimals and dividing whole numbers similar? How are they different?
EXIT TICKET (3 minutes) Complete the exit ticket and turn in...