1 Software tools and Computing Akiya Miyamoto KEK Gakujyutsu Sousei Kaigi 28-June 2006 KEK 4 th Building Seminar Hall
2 lcbase : configuration files Leda : Analysis tools (Kalman fitter, 4vector and jet findinder utilities ) jsf : Root-based framework lclib : QuickSim and other fortran based utilities physsim : Helas-based generator Jupiter : Full simulation based on Geant4 Uranus : Data analysis packages Satellites : Data analysis packages for MC data List of our tools Mainly for physics studies Mainly for detector studies
3 QuickSim overview Purpose: simulate detector effects for physics study Components: VTX, IT, TPC, CAL Model for tracker circular trajectory parabolic trajectory With multiple scattering, without energy loss Equally spacing sampling Model for Calorimeter EM signal by e/ , HD signal by hadron, muon no signal Segmented calorimeter. Lateral spreads are generated by an analytic form. Detector configuration is determined by input ASCII file.
4 QucikSim Parameters Detector performance is determined by input parameters. Parameter set gld_v3.comgld_v4.com Energy resolution of each cell and cell sizes are adjusted Configuration files are at
5 QuickSim Tracker performance Momentum resolution similar to the Jupiter/Satellites result IP resolution at 1 GeV is about factor 2 worse than the Jupiter/Satellites result
6 Tools for Full Simulation studies JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data
7 Need full ptr. To MCParticle For background study IR components are defined by a ASCII data file. Default: 2 mrad But the current one may not be the latest … Prepare data file for 14mrad X-ing. DID/Anti-DID map was prepared, but lost. Interface to LCBDS Through AscII StdHep New geometry Non-Tower ( StripTile ) CAL geometry Takeshita FCAL/BCAL sensitive detector Muon detector Improve LCIO compatibility Update to the latest Geant4 (4.8) Jupiter to do list (Dec. 05) Done (Jun. 06)
8 History keeper implemented Study in progress Reconstruction to do – 1 (Dec.05) PFA Cheated PFA : unknown 1.16 GeV almost understand. Considering major Jupiter modification ??? Realistic PFA Tower geometry : –38 %/Sqrt(E) at Zpole –~ 90%/Sqrt(E) at 500GeV Need to improve finding eff. Non-Tower (Strip/Tile) Geometry: –Apply Yoshioka/Fujikawa algorithm ? –New algorithm for strip configuration ? Muon reconstruction With Muon Detector With Calorimeter (Jun.06) Work in progress Not yet
9 Forward Region BCAL : Total Z length 20 cm 30 layers of 3mm thick Tungsten + 0.3mm thick Si. + Air gap (Not the latest) FCAL Front and Tail: 30 layers of 3mm Thick Tungsten + 0.3mm thick Si + Air gap (Not the latest) HDCAL QC1 MUD CH2 Mask TPC EMCAL FCAL BCAL Response to 10GeV e+
10 Reconstruction to do – 2 (Dec.05) Tracking Momentum resolution for TPC/IT/VTX done Track finding in TPC Track finder for Vertex with background hits. IT + Vertex track fitting/finding Vertexing Impact parameter resolution done Flavour tagging, vertex charge reconstruction LCIO compatibility PFO 4 vectors Hits, cluster, … IT findingb YGKim In progress (Jun.06) LCIO JSF : planing Not yet
Gamma : May06 Jun06 EM Constant: EM Constant:
Kaon 0L : May06 Jun06 HD Constant: HD Constant:
Cheated PFA : uds91 GeV May06 Jun06 Mar06 (Tower) Geant4.8 Dec05 (Tower) Geant4.7
14 Common Datasets ( Dec.05) Priori ty ProcessGen Data sample Meas. 1Single particle: e, , K +-, K S 0, 0<|cos | < 1, p < 500GeV SLAC E, P 1e + e - uds, cc, bb at Zpole, 300GeV, 500GeV, 1000 GeV SLAC EE 2e + e - 1000 GeV ? EE 2e + e - ZH ll X, 300 GeV?Pythia ? MHMH 3e + e - ZH bb, ccPythia ? MHMH 4SUSY Processes ? ?? ?Two Photon background events? More processes …
15 Common data sample (Jun06) Full simulation data sample for detector stuides Data sets: dec05, mar06, may06, jun06 Links available at A kind of data Single , k0L, , 0, e-, at 1 – 500 GeV : 1K or 10k events E+e- uds quarks pair, ccbar, bbar at 91.18, 200, 350, 500, 10k-20k events Cain background data E+e- ZH lepton + qqbar, 4-jet, 2-jet events at 350 GeV Producing data as much as possible. Statistics limited by CPU resources. For example, with Xenon 3GHz Uds GeV : 10 k events : 11.7 CPU days/17GB Uds 500 GeV: 10k events(~O(10 1/fb)): 37.7 days/34GB CAIN 10 bunch data: 48GB
16 Towards GRID Needs for GRID At each institutes, computing resources are hidden behind firewall Current solutions WEB/FTP : needs to transfer data inside fire wall to outside VPN : Can make a direct connection, but not efficient to transfer large data Future solutions (hope) Share data by Data GRID Middle ware: –EU – LCG, NA – OSG, Belle Other GRID system –ECFA group: Developed ILC VO on LCG –KEKCC: Development – new middle ware. Will support LCG. How to proceed –Define ILC VO using KEKCC hardware + disks for ILC Trying to connect to Tohoku and Kobe First use will be to share CAIN data Collect information from outside Japan