Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus ) Lived from 87 – 150 A.D.
Ptolemy Lived in Alexandria, Egypt in the continent of Africa
Ptolemy He was an astronomer, mathematician and geographer that made great advancements in the areas of astronomy and set the stage for future accomplisments of others in this area.
Five Facts Ptolemy proposed that the EARTH was in the center of the universe – oops! And that all other heavenly bodies circled it. Ptolemy charted the motions of sun, moon and five planets. He wrote three books: Almagest - which focused on astronomy and geometry Tetrabiblos - which focused on astrology Geography which advanced geographic knowledge. He made a star catalog and many of the star names are still used today. He was the first person to propose a latitude and longitude grid system
Critical Thinking Piece I think Ptolemy would be fascinated by the hubble space telescope and all of the pictures and information brought in. He would be fascinated by this because in his time, the techology was not advanced enough to peer into space this closely and this telescope provides a much closer look at space, the sun, the planets and the stars—something that Ptolemy was greatly interested in.
Bibliography fgeography/a/ptolemy.htm bit/exhibit/d- mathematics/Ptolemy_geo.html cle/ptolemy Burstein, Stanley and Shek, Richard. World History. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2008