PC Gaming Vs. Game Consoles By : Daral Leng Per.2W video-game-consoles pc-game-gone/
Game Consoles Can be use to surf the web like a computer. Uses a controller for simple controls. 49%of U.S. households own a dedicated game console, and those that do own an average of 2 vs-console-gaming.asp
PC Gaming Better graphics than game consoles. Performs using a keyboard & mouse Cheaper than console games. ps/2011/pc-gaming-vs- console-gaming.asp
Comparison An interesting storyline. A sequel to a favorite game. Variety of game genres. 42% of game players believe that computer and video games give them the most value for their money, compared with DVDs, music or going out to the movies
Citation Tiongco, Mark. “Console v. PC - The Video Game Smackdown!” Geeks.com. 6 Feb Web. 6 Feb console-gaming.asp ESA. “Essential facts about the Computer and Video game Industry.” theEsa.com Web. 4 Feb