Butterfly Garden 7 th Grade Science
Butterfly Journey mation_fall2013_roosts.html mation_fall2013_roosts.html v=6JpLR2hpfSk v=6JpLR2hpfSk
Butterfly Anatomy
Butterflies Important pollinators, 2 nd only to bees! Coldblooded so they cannot fly if they are cold – ideal body temperature is 85 degrees They taste with their feet They drink nectar from flowers with their proboscis They also drink from mud puddles to get minerals and salts, it’s called puddling Sensitive to environmental changes and are great indictors of ecosystem health
Butterfly Lifecycle
Environmental Concerns Habitat Loss – The reduction of a normal habitat making it unable to support the wildlife that live there Habitat Degradation – Invasive species – mowing Pesticides
What You Can Do? Improve and Restore Habitat Make your yard butterfly friendly Preserve, Conserve, and Appreciate Habitat Mow less to allow natural plants to establish Participate in Inventories to Help Monitor Their Status
Planning For Your Site Location Sun exposure Protection from high winds Proximity to other plants Access to water
Garden Design Size Elements – Soil – Plants – Areas (should contain) Rock/pebble area Patches of plants Puddle area Grassy area
Resources 2hpfSk 2hpfSk monarch_animation_fall2013_roosts.html monarch_animation_fall2013_roosts.html