Online Learning Tuesday, 08 December 2015
What is online learning? Use of the Internet, IT and online communications tools to deliver and participate in learning opportunities Can use text, graphics, sound, video Online communications tools include chat, forums, Can be entire course or short ‘bite-size chunk’ of learning. Can be self-directed or tutor-supported
How do I find out about online learning opportunities? Search the Web Following links from other Websites (eg BBC) Recommendations from others (eg via Communities tutor discussion forum)
Advantages Anywhere, anytime Well-designed online learning can cater to a variety of learning styles More learner-centred Learner can work at own pace Gives a ‘voice’ to those who are maybe shy in a face to face situation
Disadvantages Not everyone has sufficient access Lots of poorly designed examples out there! Lack of experienced online tutors Some people miss the human face to face contact Suits independent learners best
Who are your learners? What do they want to learn? What do they know already? What IT/Internet access do they have? What are their learning styles? Do they have What kind of support are they likely to want/need?
How do I evaluate online learning for my learners? Think of who your learners are Is the subject appropriate? Is the level appropriate? Is it easy to use? Who wrote it – is it authoritative? Is it accredited?