TeraGrid Extension Gateway Activities Nancy Wilkins-Diehr TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009 The Extension Proposal!
TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
PY5 starting point TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009 Project IDPrj/OpsProjectTotal FTEsSites SGW Science Gateways SGW.CoordOpsArea Coordination0.99SDSC, ANL SGW.HDNPrj Helpdesk, new communities0.20NCSA SGW.CAPrjCommunity Accounts0.45SDSC, NICS SGW.UCntPrjGateway User Count1.00NCSA SGW.GCDPrjGateways Code Discovery0.40RENCI SGW.SpptPrj Targeted Support Coordination0.20SDSC SGW.GdocOpsGateway Documentation0.65SDSC, RENCI SGW.GCPrjGridChem or Other New0.50IU SGW.PGPrjPolarGrid or Other New1.00IU SGW.GGSPrjGeneral Gateway Support1.00U Chicago SGW.OSGPrjRENCI-OSG0.20RENCI SGW.SGPrjSimpleGrid0.90NCSA SGW.ESPrj Environmental Science Gateway1.00NCAR SGW.CIGPrj CIG/Galaxy Collision Gateway0.40Caltech Area Totals8.89
Extension Budget Project IDPrj/OpsProjectTotal FTEsSides SGW Science Gateways GIG SGW.AcctPrjAccounting0.50TACC SGW.CoordOpsArea Coordination1.39 SDSC, U Chicago SGW.HDNPrjHelpdesk, new communities1.70NCSA, Purdue SGW.CAPrjCommunity Accounts0.30NICS SGW.VMPrjVirtual Machines0.60IU, NCSA SGW.EdPrjEducation and Training0.20IU, NCSA SGW.GdocOpsGateway Documentation0.43NCSA, SDSC SGW.GTSPrjGateway Targeted Support6.85 IU, LONI, NCAR, NCSA, ORNL, Purdue, SDSC, U Chicago SGW.VisPrj Remote visualization for gateways1.02ORNL GIG sub-totals12.99 Area Totals12.99 TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
Extension additions 5.5 extra FTEs (4 new, 1.5 as a result of conclusion of Caltech and RENCI work) –Thanks you RPs! –2.0 new FTEs committed for RP activities through extension negotiations 1.5 at ORNL – SNS, REDDnet, Datanet, vis.5 at IU – Quarry –Lots of good ideas from all sites for new activities TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
What’s ending in PY5 and what’s staying the same Work at Caltech and RENCI concludes in PY5 –Move by TeraGrid to reduce the cost of subcontracts for sites with more smaller FTE budgets Development attribute-based authentication work concludes in the gateway area in PY5 The return of Nancy and Stu to coordinate the program TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
New in the Extension Helpdesk support expanded –From.2 FTE in PY5 to 1.7 in Extension [NCSA, Purdue] Helpdesk and Condor support, new GIS communities, SimpleGrid extensions Accounting –Improved views for gateways now that we have attributes [TACC] Community accounts –Continued work toward improved standardization [NICS] Prebuilt VMs with gateway software –OGCE, SimpleGrid [IU, NCSA] Online tutorials with CI Tutor and the EOT team –OGCE, SimpleGrid [IU, NCSA] More example-based documentation –Less talk, more action, short videos, based on user feedback [NCSA, SDSC] TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
Targeted Support in the Extension All staff available for assignments as new projects come in Cactus –Meet the needs of several groups with large TG allocations [LONI] GridChem, PolarGrid, Ultrascan –Scheduling, vis, Matlab processing, processing of centrifuge data for large international project [IU] CCSM-ESG –Continuing work to combine capabilities [NCAR, Purdue] New earth science gateway [NCAR] SNS [ORNL] Improved web service support [SDSC] Continued OpenSocial work [U Chicago] Improved use of remote vis resources by gateways [ORNL] TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
Where did the new FTEs go? Recall 2 were committed and 3.5 remained to be assigned IU, LONI, NCAR, SDSC, TACC up by.5 Purdue up 1.0 U Chicago up.2 – Globus gadget work NCSA staffing reoriented from attributes to help desk TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
What else is exciting? SGW funding a Cyberinfrastructure in GIS workshop in conjunction with the UCGIS meeting in DC in February –Co-led by Shaowen Wang at NCSA and Nancy –Approved by UCGIS board after a lengthy voting process –Winter UCGIS meeting will focus on CI and includes a White House briefing Workshop attendees welcome to attend the briefing Briefing will include very short recap of the workshop –Expected outcome of the workshop Increased visibility New partnerships for TeraGrid, UCGIS, and other pertinent organizations Workshop report Interesting collaborative proposal ideas Potential future publications TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009
Questions? TeraGrid Quarterly, September 24-25, 2009