Analogies: word patterns Analyze two words and identify the relationship between them. Find another pair of words that has the same relationship.
Synonym Start: Begin::Finish: stop
Antonym Forward : Backward:: Right: Left
Part to Whole Chapter: book:: Finger: Hand
Whole to Part School: Classroom:: Gym: Weights
Characteristics/Quality Cotton: Fluffy Fur: Warm
Classification (type) Canine: Bulldog :: Bullets: Gun
Cause/Effect Overslept: Late:: Studying: Pass
Function Calculator: add:: Phone: text
Location Bass: Lake :: Street: House
Degree Cold: Freezing:: Warm: Hot
Person to Object Doctor: Stethoscope:: Coach: Whistle
Person to Action Ballerina : Dance:: Coach: Coaches
Action related object Oven : Bake:: Clock: Tell time