List of Decisions #Decision for the Board 1 Does the Board agree to its composition? The Board requested that its composition be considered “proposed” rather than “final.” It was further agreed that – in light of the evolving and unique situation in the Middle East -- the region’s member and alternate seats on the Board will both be heads of statistical offices.
List of Decisions #Decision for the Board 2 Does the Board agree to the proposed modalities for communication between Board Members and their communities? The Board endorsed the proposals outlined in the paper and agreed to implement them. Does the Board agree to the proposed means of reporting between the Executive Committee and the Board? The Board agreed to the proposals outlined in the paper and in particular encouraged the Executive Committee to share its agendas and minutes with the Board. Where Executive Committee deliberations are sensitive or still provisional, they will be shared with the Board via a secure environment before a decision is made by the Executive Committee to post them to the PARIS21 website.
List of Decisions #Decision for the Board 3 Does the Board agree to the content of the PARIS21 Logical Framework, including the proposed milestones and targets? The Board congratulated the task team on the difficult work of defining indicators in the logframe. The Board provided comments on several aspects to be measured that are missing or under-developed (e.g., NSDS implementation, cost effectiveness, dissemination of data, independence of statistics) but approved both Parts I and II (recognising that the latter is still in draft form) in order to allow the work of measurement to move forward. It was further agreed that the other aspects could be integrated at a later time as the logframe is implemented. The Board also agreed to the proposed schedule of reporting on the logframe.
List of Decisions #Decision for the Board 4 Does the Board agree to the proposed involvement of the Partnership at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness to be held in Busan? The Board recognised the importance of the HLF-4 for promoting statistics and statistical development and welcomed the proposals for PARIS21 involvement in Busan. The Board recommended that PARIS21 be ambitious and highlight developing country experiences at the event. The Secretariat will put in place a procedure for the Board to consider and comment on draft versions of the DDDS monitoring report and the proposed Busan Action Plan for Statistics.
List of Decisions #Decision for the Board 5 Does the Board agree to the Secretariat’s proposed Programme of Work and Budget for 2011? The Board agreed to the Secretariat’s proposed programme of work and budget for 2011.
List of Decisions #Decision for the Board 6 Does the Board agree to organise the next session of the PARIS21 Annual Meetings from 28 to 30 March 2012 in Paris? The Board agreed to the proposed dates.