Peggy Dersch Directions for Learning Strategies From Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies
SWAP TALK—use students to teach each other Teacher prepares cards with one fact or piece of information on each. Students walk and find a partner using Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up. Partner A shares their fact, starting with “Did you know???...” Partner B responds with “That is fascinating!!” Partners reverse roles. Partners trade cards and go looking for a new partner.
Mile A Minute Place your category here List Your Terms or Vocabulary Words here
FOUR CORNERS A prompt or answer is posted in each corner of the room – ex: Strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree – A,B,C,D – specific choices for a particular prompt or question Students move to corner with their answer. Students discuss reasons for selection with others in the same corner. Students report out their reasons. Option—after hearing reasoning, students can move to a new corner if their mind has changed.
Stand Up—Hand Up— Pair Up Use this method to get students paired up with a partner for Rally Robin, Timed Pair Share, or any other paired activity. Students stand, raise their hand, and begin looking for a partner. When they locate a partner, they “high five” their partner and then lower their hands, indicating that they are paired up. Students keep their hand raised until they have found a partner—teacher can easily see who still needs to be paired up.
RALLY ROBIN Teacher asks a question that has short, list-style answers. Partner A and Partner B take turns giving answers until time is called. ROUND ROBIN Teacher asks a question that has longer, open-ended questions Team members take turns answering the question—answer time can be measured to ensure equal participation. – Single round robin—each team member answers one time – Continuous round robin—keep going around until the teacher stops you. (This is best with shorter, quick responses) – Timed round robin—for longer answers; 1 time around; limited time – All-write round robin—same as above, but everyone writes down each answer heard on their own paper. – Round Table—students write an answer then pass. – Continuous Round table—everyone writes, then everyone passes.
RALLY TABLE Teacher asks a question that has short, list-style answers. Partner A writes an answer, and passes the paper/board to Partner B. Partner B adds an answer and passes the paper back to Partner A. Students continue the rally, and stop when time is called. Rally Robin—students just answer orally Rally Coach—partners take turns solving problems or answering questions; one solves while the other coaches, then they reverse roles. Simultaneous Rally Table—both students write answers at the same time, exchange papers between each answer.
NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER (“Showdown”) Teams of four number off—1,2,3,4 Teacher asks a question, all team members write an answer on marker boards Team members compare/correct answers, then “chin their boards” to indicate their team is ready Teacher calls on one number at random to “go public” with their answer for the team. Variation: private showdown—students play by themselves in groups of four; students take turns being the “leader” who asks the question (from a set of cards). They don’t compare and correct, but they do “chin their boards” and all students show the leader their answer.
Place Mat Each person takes a corner of the placemat. Write notes as directed by your teacher. Group members may be directed to use center of placemat to process common ideas or thoughts.
Continuous Round Robin FOUR students take turns giving answers to a question/prompt, and they keep answering until the teacher stops them. Timed Round Robin / Timed Pair Share Students take turns giving answers to a question/prompt, and they each get a measured amount of time to answer. Talking Chips FOUR students have an open discussion. Participation is measured with “talking chips.” All-write Round Robin FOUR students take turns giving answers to a question/prompt, and they each write down every answer as they hear it.
STAND AND SHARE Use this structure following a Rally Table, where you want everyone in the room to have a full list of all ideas shared. Students draw a line beneath their last answer on a brainstormed list. Students stand up with their answer list. Teacher calls on students to share one answer at a time. “If you have it on your list, CHECK IT.” “If you don’t have it, ADD IT BELOW YOUR LINE.” When all of their original items have been checked, students sit down, but KEEP ADDING NEW ITEMS as they are shared. Teacher continues to call on students who are standing (because they have answers that haven’t been shared) until all students are sitting. When all students are sitting, everyone in the room has the same complete list of ideas.
JIGSAW Students are in groups; each member given a piece of content to read and/or learn independently. Students are asked to create a way to teach this content to others. Students meet with their “same content” groups to ensure understanding and compare teaching strategies. (This is a good opportunity for the teacher to check for understanding.) Students jigsaw into “different content” groups where each piece of the content is represented by one student. Students teach each other their piece of the content.
QUIZ-QUIZ-TRADE Teacher prepares cards with question on one side and answer on the other. Students walk and find a partner. Partner A quizzes; partner B answers – Tip, tip, tell, re-ask Partner B quizzes; partner A answers – Tip, tip, tell, re-ask Partners trade cards and go looking for a new partner
FAN AND PICK ◦ Person 1: fan the cards ◦ Person 2: pick a card and read the question to person 3 ◦ Person 3: answer the question or say “Pass.” ◦ Person 4: affirm the answer or add to it. ◦ Rotate roles until all cards are answered
Card Sort Gets all students involved in a thinking activity. Appeals to kinesthetic learners. Set out percentages slips as shown in the pyramid on the next slide. Deal out the classroom activities slips. Take turns placing an activity next to a percentage you think it matches. When everyone has played their slips, the group may work together to make changes.
Positive Interdependence – Do students need to help each other? Individual Accountability – Is public performance required? Equal Participation – Equalized by time or by turn? Simultaneous Interaction – How many students are overtly active at once? To see if your activities are HIGHLY ENGAGING, use P.I.E.S.