Ohio State DUSEL Theory Workshop Stuart Raby Underground Detectors Investigating Grand Unification Brookhaven National Lab October 16, 2008
Title of talk2
3 Targeted for NSF National Science Board, members of Congress and their staff
Title of talk4
9 Virtues of SUSY GUTs M Z << M GUT “Natural” Explains charge quantization Predicts gauge coupling unification !! redicts SUSY particles at LHC
Title of talk10 Grand Unification - SO( 10 ) GUT spinor repsn. of SO( 10 ) tensor product of 5 spin ½ w/even no. - signs Georgi Fritszch & Minkowski
Title of talk11 Gauge coupling unification !! S. Dimopoulos, S.R. & F. Wilczek LEP data !!
Title of talk12 Supersymmetric partners of SM particles Quarks & Leptons Squarks & Sleptons Gluons, W +, Z 0, Higgs bosons Gluinos, Charginos, Neutralinos Lightest super symmetric particle ( LSP ) is stable (assuming R parity) Perfect Dark Matter Candidate ! Tevatron or LHC at CERN 2009 SUSY light Higgs
Title of talk13 Virtues of SUSY GUTs Predicts proton decay Is it predominantly due to Vector boson exchange ? Color triplet Higgsino exchange ?
Title of talk14 The answer depends on - 4 dimensional SUSY GUTs vs 5 or 6 dimensional Orbifold SUSY GUTs and / or 10 D string theory
Title of talk15 4 dimensional SUSY GUTs
Title of talk16 V ector boson exchange ~ 1/M G 2
Title of talk17 Non-SUSY GUT -- M G ~ GeV EXCLUDED ! SUSY GUT -- M G ~ GeV OK !! Super-Kamiokande bound
Title of talk18
Title of talk19 Higgsino exchange dominates ~ 1/M T G ln (M T / M G ) M T ~ GeV A( p K + ) ~ C C x loop factor M T Minimal SUSY SU(5) Proton decays toooo fast !!
Title of talk20 Threshold corrections due to Higgs doublet-triplet splitting (positive) & GUT breaking sector (negative) G.C. Unif. & Proton decay 4D G ln (M T eff / M G ) + (GUT B.S.) Dermisek et al., Babu et al., Altarelli et al.
Title of talk21 5 or 6 dimensional Orbifold SUSY GUTs and 10 D string theory
Title of talk22 SU 5 Orbifold GUT on M 4 x S 1 /(Z 2 xZ 2 ’) Higgs bosons
Title of talk23 5D Orbifold GUT G.C. Unif. & Proton decay > 4D 0 RR M c ~ R < M G < M * Dienes et al., Hall & Nomura, Kim & S.R., Feruglio et al.
Title of talk24 5D Orbifold GUT G.C. Unif. & Proton decay > 4D 0 R M c ~ 1/R < M G < M * Dim 6 amp. ~ 1 / M c 2 McMc Enhanced !!
Title of talk25 5D Orbifold GUT G.C. Unif. & Proton decay > 4D 0 R M c ~ 1/R < M G < M * Dim 6 amp. ~ 1 / M c 2 McMc Suppressed !! Bul k
Title of talk26 5 or 6 dimensional Orbifold SUSY GUTs Vector boson exchange rate - typically enhanced ! Higgsino exchange rate - suppressed !
Title of talk27 5D Orbifold GUT G.C. Unif. & Proton decay > 4D 0 R M c ~ 1/R < M G < M * String / Orbifold GUTs SU 6 SU 5 SM Bulk = Untwisted sector Brane = Twisted sector Proton decay rate ‘typically’ enhanced !
Title of talk28 5D Orbifold GUT G.C. Unif. & Proton decay > 4D 0 R M c ~ 1/R < M G < M * The Bottom Line 4D SUSY GUTs Higgsino exchange dominates 5-6D Orbifold SUSY GUTs Both processes may compete
Title of talk29 Virtues of SUSY GUTs Predicts Yukawa coupling unification w/Family symmetry Fermion mass hierarchy Neutrino masses and mixing via See-Saw
Title of talk30 Eg. SO(10) x [ D 3 x U(1) family sym. ] Dermisek & S.R. hep-ph/ real para’s + 4 phases + 3 real Majorana Neutrino masses
Title of talk31 Dermisek, Harada & Raby, hep-ph/
Title of talk (0.03)
Title of talk33 NOT in fit
Title of talk34
Title of talk35 Albright & Chen hep-ph/
Title of talk36 Virtues of SUSY GUTs Baryogenesis via leptogenesis Right-handed neutrino decays (+ CP viol.) creating lepton asymmetry Lepton asymmetry converted to baryon asymmetry via electroweak int’s Expect low energy leptonic CP violation !
Title of talk37
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Title of talk39 Virtues of SUSY GUTs LSP - Dark Matter candidate Expect direct detection of Dark Matter !
Title of talk40
Title of talk41 We need a distribution list for announcing the white paper The White paper also has sections on Neutrinoless double beta decay & N-Nbar oscillations Conclusions
Title of talk42 Megaton Observatory for Neutrinos & Nucleon Decay MONND A large Megaton multi-purpose water Cherenkov detector needs a catchy name My suggestion Finally