英文專題 數位敘事與表達 & My Personal Video Resume A305 無限領域 Infinity ET Richter Kuo
Click to edit Master text styles Introductions Project: Digital Story Telling & My Personal Video Resume End Product: To make a 60-second video to introduce yourself Syllabus: 12-week, PBL Class Age/Level/Class Size: 20 Students, 10 th graders Time needed: 90 mins per lesson over 12 lessons (weeks)
Click to edit Master text styles 簡介 數位敘事與表達 : 鼓勵學生能學習透過自己 熟悉的媒體形式,體察、關心、記錄周遭人 事物,將媒體的視讀轉化為行動的實踐。透 過本專題課程,學生要多次進行主動學習, 並練習以英文小組討論和報告教材內容,進 而了解影像拍攝,學習製作實務技能,並能 參考當今盛行之 Video Resume, 從範本中學 習且製作出自己的版本。在第二學期則計劃 能拍出英文微電影,並結合外交小尖兵活動.
Click to edit Master text styles Tasks for the Project Activity Tasks Pre-task: Case Study: Find & study some available model videos online Weekly tasks: learn the sub-skills in digital recording and story-telling Read & learn from print resumes
Click to edit Master text styles Tasks for the Project Write a personal resume (both in Chinese & English) Plan a script for video resume Make the Video Present Videos Peer Assessment
Click to edit Master text styles Task One: Case Study Functional LanguageTarget Vocabulary/Skill note-taking, recognizing, compare & contrast ranking, explaining, listening, speaking, strong adjectives/verbs Materials/ResourcesProduct online materials, presentation textbooks A list of elements for a successful video resume
Click to edit Master text styles Task Two: Read Print Resumes Functional LanguageTarget Vocabulary/Skill compare & contrast ranking, explaining, sorting reading, speaking, use formal language Materials/ResourcesProduct online materials, Purdue University Writing Center handouts of key information, lists of elements
Click to edit Master text styles Task Three: Write a Personal Resume Functional LanguageTarget Vocabulary/Skill describe, explain, persuade, writing bullet-point self- introduction, concise language, Materials/ResourcesProduct online materials, books for resume A Formal Print Personal Resume
Click to edit Master text styles Task Four: Plan a script for video resume Functional LanguageTarget Vocabulary/Skill organizing, persuading, listing giving a persuasive speech Materials/ResourcesProduct computer, word processer,A complete script for 60- second video shooting
Click to edit Master text styles Task Five: Case Study Functional LanguageTarget Vocabulary/Skill Presenting, thanking, Persuading, computer-editing skills, speaking Materials/ResourcesProduct computer, video camera, software, filming skills A complete personal video resume
Click to edit Master text styles Task Six: Present Videos & Assessment Functional LanguageTarget Vocabulary/Skill Presenting, thanking, giving eye-catching captions, Persuading, speaking, assessing, feedback, Materials/ResourcesProduct personal videos, rubrics,peer assessment/ evaluation sheets; result of votes
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