Update of Departmental Work: Texas A & M Presenter Victoria Rosner.


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Presentation transcript:

Update of Departmental Work: Texas A & M Presenter Victoria Rosner

The Last Year: Completed Initiatives Seminar on professionalization: “Writing for Publication” Roundtable discussions  Connecting research and teaching  Rethinking preliminary examinations  Career paths outside the academy Panels on careers outside the academy Graduate curriculum revision

The Last Year: Ongoing Initiatives National conference in 2005: “Shifting Boundaries: The Humanities Doctorate in the 21st Century” Exchange of post-docs among CID partner departments Revising preliminary exam structure

Still in the works - Retool required doctoral courses Generate alternatives to the seminar model Roundtable on mentoring Collaborate with other departments on CID essays

Creating Inclusive Intellectual Communities Research…  Involve students with faculty groups  Teach professional standards and practices Teaching…  Open dialogue about the relationship between research and teaching Service...  Teach students about publication review  Involve students in formulating initiatives

Seminar on Professionalization: Writing for Publication Guiding Questions  What are the elements of a good scholarly article?  What are the best practices in a given field?  What standards govern journal articles?  How do you move from dissertation writing to writing for publication?

Seminar on Professionalization: Writing for Publication Course Structure  Prerequisites  Syllabus  Assignments Outcomes and Assessment  Student responses  Faculty response