Entrance Pass Why is breathing so important in the practice of yoga? Goal: Answer the question as best you can in this moment.
Breathing What does MC Yogi say in “ Breath Control”?
Lesson Target: Better understand how subtle changes in breathing can greatly impact our practice and our lives. You will research various types of breathing and explore their physiological effects. Target
Mini Lesson: The Nervous System, Breathing and Yoga Key Terms Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous System Parasympathetic Nervous System
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates the functions of: internal organs such as the heart, stomach and intestines and controls some of the muscles within the body. We are often unaware of the ANS because it functions involuntary and reflexively. For example, we do not notice when blood vessels change size or when our heart beats faster.
The ANS is most important in two situations: Flight or Flight In emergencies that cause stress and require us to "fight" or take "flight" (run away) Rest and Digest In non-emergencies that allow us to "rest" and "digest.“ ( also referred to as rest and repose)
Autonomic Nervous System- Which state would you rather be in? Flight or Fright In these types of situations, your sympathetic nervous system is called into action - it uses energy - your blood pressure increases, your heart beats faster, and digestion slows down. Rest and Repose Now is the time for the parasympathetic nervous to work to save energy. This is when blood pressure can decrease, pulse rate can slow, and digestion can start.
Turn and Talk What factors in a person’s life might be contributing to an overactive sympathetic nervous system? What are the consequences on the mind, body and spirit of living in a “flight or fright state? What can we do to help ourselves feel better? Video:
One answer….practice breathing! There is a difference between relaxed natural breathing and empowered thoracic breathing. Visual…..
Research Task: Breathing Techniques You will research four types of breathing techniques. Full Yogic Breath Ujai Breath Analoma Viloma Kapalabhati For each: Create a “HOW TO” set of instructions in your own words. Identify the benefits of this practice Record the recommended timing of this breathing practice for a beginner practitioner. Practice each type Feel free to draw visuals to help you remember.