Presentation on Flood Warning System (FWS) By eDruk Consultancy Karma Dorji Babul Subba Mendrel Gyeltshen
Content Introduction Purpose Concept Benefits Costs Technology Live Demo QA session
Introduction An accidental solution Early Flood warning, through SMS, , Live WEB Based Application, and ALERT SIRENS Cost effective, and full local support and expertise Our main intention is to make it safe for our citizens
Purpose and Concept
Benefits, to avoid disaster and make decision based on early warnings.
Cost Our solution is very cost effective, and can be built within few thousands SUTRON, and others, have constructed for over 50 millions The cost of local support and long term maintenance is minimal with us Our cost as a citizen of this country to help other citizens cannot be measured
Technology to use Our Flood Warning System (FWS) is based on GPRS and GPS, with capacitive floating technology, equipped with real-time transmission to central server, running on our customized Linux Server (Built over 5 years), to provide real-time, web based information, and SMS and alerts, with alert transmission to SIRENS for audio
FWS Diagram
Diagram of FWS
Conclusion Live Demo ( Q & A ( us at THANK YOU