Tamar Banner MBAA Scholarship for Masters Program at Heriot-Watt University in Brewing and Distilling Science
The Program 8 modules Raw Materials and Wort Production Fermentation Technology and Product Analysis Distillation and Whisky Maturation Filtration and Packaging Alcohol Beverage Technology (part 1) Alcohol Beverage Technology (part 2) Principles of Microbiology and Biochemistry Project Studies Master’s Thesis
Papers I’ve Written Raw Materials/Wort Production Hop Extracts and Hop-Derived Products and Their Uses in Today’s Breweries Brewing Beer Without Barley Principles of Microbiology/Biochemistry Non-Thermal Methods of Pasteurization and Microbial Load Reduction Ensuring a Continuous High Quality Supply of Yeast Distillation/Whisky Maturation Pot Stills vs. Membrane Ethanol Concentration The Contributions of Sugars and Tannins in Oak Whisky Barrels Fermentation Technology/Product Analysis Sensory Panels High Gravity Brewing: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Solutions
Sources I’ve Used Journals 1)MBAA Technical Quarterly )Journal of Institute of Brewing )Heriot Watt library search )Campden BRI )ASBC )Brauwelt International )BDI (Brewing and Distilling International) -- Books 1)Brewing: New Technologies Charles Bamforth 2)Brewing Michael Lewis/Tom Young 3)Practical Brewer 4)Technology Brewing and Malting Kunze 5)Essays in Brewing Science Michael Lewis/Charles Bamforth 6)The Alcohol Textbook Jacques/Lyons/Kensall 7)Whisky: Technology, Production, and Marketing Inge Russell 8)Heriot Watt textbooks (many have sections with additional sources)
Thank you very much for the scholarship to help further my brewing education!