Types of Interest Groups Section 2 Pgs
An American Tradition Many interest groups have been founded on basis of economic interests such as business, labor, agriculture
Interest groups share members Interest groups take conflicting stands on political issues Members could be in millions or just a few
Economic Interest Groups Business Groups- United States Brewers’ Assoc., National Association of Manufacturers Labor Groups- (labor unions) very influential in politics. AFL-CIO, United Mine Workers
Agricultural Groups- National Grange, American Farmers Bureau Professional Groups- American Medical Assoc (AMA), American Bar Assoc (ABA), National Education Assoc. (NEA)
Other Groups Promote Special Causes- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Promote Welfare of Certain Groups- American Legion (veterans), National Assoc for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), NRA, PETA
Religious Organizations- Christian Voice & Christian Coalition
Public Interest Groups Work for all people, regardless of their affiliations. Ex: Common Cause- everything from pollution, recycling to voting Ex: League of Women Voters