1 Plainville Coalition for Positive Youth Development: Keeping Kids Safe By Exploring the Dress Code A Community Conversation September 28, 2006 Report to the Plainville Board of Education
2 PCPYD Overview The mission of the Plainville Coalition for Positive Youth Development is to provide enriching activities in a safe community environment, empowering children to positively shape their lives. The Coalition: Is comprised of members representing a variety of local community organizations and individuals in support of Plainville’s youth Was instrumental in the design and launch of the after school program, which provides academic and enrichment programming to students Sponsored two community forums on risky behaviors and school safety
3 Community Conversation Model Funded by a grant from the League of Women Voters Funded by a grant from the League of Women Voters Purpose: To create a productive dialogue among a broad-based cross section of community members to: Purpose: To create a productive dialogue among a broad-based cross section of community members to: Identify areas of common ground, disagreement, questions and concerns Identify areas of common ground, disagreement, questions and concerns Demonstrate that positive, broad-based conversations can take place between diverse participants even on sensitive subjects Demonstrate that positive, broad-based conversations can take place between diverse participants even on sensitive subjects Build local capacity for future community conversations Build local capacity for future community conversations Help participants explore how the community can work together more effectively Help participants explore how the community can work together more effectively
4 Event Overview Event Overview Participants Participants Members of the Plainville community representing: Members of the Plainville community representing: Parents Parents Students Students Clergy Clergy Business Business Senior Citizens Senior Citizens Local Government Local Government Board of Education Board of Education
5 Event Overview Event Overview Event Format Event Format Large group opening session Large group opening session Presentation of three choice statements Presentation of three choice statements Arguments “for” and “against” each choice Arguments “for” and “against” each choice Supporting research for each choice Supporting research for each choice Student models demonstrated choices Student models demonstrated choices
6 Event Overview Event Overview Small Group Discussion Small Group Discussion Choice Statements: Choice Statements: 1. Parents have the right to send students to school in any clothing they feel is appropriate and in accordance with their own values 2. Schools should adopt specific uniform options 3. Schools should enforce a dress code
7 Event Overview Event Overview Large Group Post Discussion Large Group Post Discussion Presentation of small group discussion Presentation of small group discussion Areas of common ground Areas of common ground Areas of disagreement Areas of disagreement Questions and concerns Questions and concerns Recommendations Recommendations
8 Recommendations As a result of the community conversation event, the following recommendations were made: Research should be done to determine the extent of the problem at each level; gather statistics regarding numbers of infractions; discipline required; etc. Research should be done to determine the extent of the problem at each level; gather statistics regarding numbers of infractions; discipline required; etc. Get input from school staff about how student dress affects learning and behavior Get input from school staff about how student dress affects learning and behavior Sponsor focus groups with students to get their input on the issue Sponsor focus groups with students to get their input on the issue Research the experience of towns with similar size and socio – economic backgrounds Research the experience of towns with similar size and socio – economic backgrounds Review the research regarding towns who have implemented a uniform policy to determine the extent of positive change in academics, behavior, etc. Review the research regarding towns who have implemented a uniform policy to determine the extent of positive change in academics, behavior, etc.
9 Recommendations - Continued Survey middle and high school students regarding their knowledge of the dress code Survey middle and high school students regarding their knowledge of the dress code The dress code should be clearly communicated to students and parents The dress code should be clearly communicated to students and parents Review the current dress code for relevance and update if necessary Review the current dress code for relevance and update if necessary There should be clear, consistent consequences for violations of the dress code There should be clear, consistent consequences for violations of the dress code Dress code violations should be consistently enforced Dress code violations should be consistently enforced Staff dress should be considered Staff dress should be considered
10 Recommendations - Continued In considering a uniform policy, the following should be considered: Cost impact on families Cost impact on families Implement policy over time beginning with elementary level Implement policy over time beginning with elementary level Include opportunities for self-expression, dress-down days, etc. Include opportunities for self-expression, dress-down days, etc. There should be only one provider of uniforms to eliminate the possibility of issues associated with clothing brands There should be only one provider of uniforms to eliminate the possibility of issues associated with clothing brands
11 Questions? Thank you!