Benton-Franklin Community Health Alliance, Lourdes Health Network, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Kennewick General Hospital, Group Health Cooperative, Prosser Memorial Hospital And the Benton-Franklin Health District
Describe at least 2 reasons why it is important to conduct a community health needs assessment List 2 functions of the steering committee in this process Recognize that Community wide Health Needs Assessments are a best practice
…both a product and a process …a systematic way of identifying the needs, priorities, and resources of a community
IRS Requirement-need a comprehensive look at the community’s health to determine priorities Public Health Need (last Health Assessment 1995) Better informed decision-making Obtain resources necessary to address key issues/concerns Improve community health services Increase partnerships and collaboration Increase community awareness of issues
Collect Primary Data: BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey) Focus Groups Interviews Survey Secondary Data: County Rankings DOH OFM Past Community Assessments US Census Bureau
I don’t believe the data! I know I’m right! Individual silos...I like the way the funding is distributed now. Where can we find the resources to conduct an assessment? We’ve already done an assessment, why do another?
Indicators Franklin Benton Health Outcomes Mortality83913 Morbidity Health Factors Health Behaviors Clinical Care Social & Economic Factors Physical Environment
Internal and/or external? Directors and/or field staff Opponents? Target population? Elected Officials? Stakeholders
Group Health Cooperative Columbia Basin College (CBC) Washington State University- Nursing Program (WSU) American Diabetes Association Grace Clinic Tri-City Cancer Center Benton-Franklin Health District Tri-City Community Health Prosser Memorial Hospital Educational Service District 123 League of Women Voters TC Reg Chamber of Commerce Benton-Franklin Medical Society United Way/Community Solutions CSC Hanford Occ. Services Tri-City Chaplaincy PNNL Lourdes Counseling Center Regional Labor Economist Elected Officials? Area Council on Aging? Faith Institutions? Others?
To assess health needs of the community: Breakdown territorial silos around health/health services Identify WHO to ask Determine strategy & method of HOW to ask community members ASK what, so what, now what? LISTEN & identify emerging issues Gather and analyze assessment findings Make policy, program & project recommendations (i.e. community health agencies, hospitals, public health, government officials, etc.)
Policy Changes Inform and engage the Community Fund new programs Leverage programs with grant funding Illustrate our vision with Art Focus our resources Prepare us for our future
71% Health issues were identified 54% A new partnership to address a health issue was formed 50% Health priorities were established 46% New health strategies and/or action plans were developed 44% A grant was written using local data 37% A new resource to address a priority was obtained 33% A new health program/service was implemented 27% A health policy recommendation was developed, written, or modified 27% Budgeting decisions influenced 25% Internal agency programs were prioritized 25% A health program/service was modified 23% Strategic agency direction established or altered Half of agencies reported additional outcomes under “other”
Benton Franklin Health District-Assessment Spokane Regional Health District Island County Health Department Washington State Department of Health Epidemiology Other Resources: Behavior Risk Factor and Surveillance System Washington State Department of Health Data and Statistics