LSA/FiDeL1 Deliverables Commissioning:Commissioning: Transfer functions [MB, MQ, MQY, MQM, MQX etc…] DC components Decay prediction Snapback prediction Cycling prescription – deGauss & Nominal b3++ lower priority L. Bottura
LSA/FiDeL2 Work package 1/2 Generate Calibration CurvesGenerate Calibration Curves Implement FiDeL alogorithms in JAVA under LSA Database model - FiDeL coefficients. Develop application to drive calibration curve generation, regeneration etc. Provide application to populate FiDeL coefficients Test Generate harmonicsGenerate harmonics LSA parameter space/database configuration Implement FiDeL in JAVA under LSA Populate harmonic coefficients where required. Extend above application for generation/re-generation Use in settings generation. bn compensation with corrector circuits. Test & cross-check
LSA/FiDeL3 Work package Decay & SnapbackDecay & Snapback Implement FiDeL in JAVA/LSA Develop trim engine for injection plateau How to get powering history? Strategy? Extend application to allow input, generation, re-generation, display etc. HistoryHistory DC powering history (as above). Correctors & some quads - intra-fill history - how to track this when required? Export results to MADExport results to MAD Utility to extract harmonics at any point in given LHC cycle. Cycle prescriptionCycle prescription Decide on appropriate format/prescription Implement and populate database Command utility to drive given circuits Test PreparationTest Preparation Populate database Generate settings Interface to FGCs Check timing or ramp invocation method Test
LSA/FiDeL4 Implementation Field Model interpolates and extrapolates data from measured dataField Model interpolates and extrapolates data from measured data Fitting parameters stored on LSA database, entry and adjustment by magnet teamFitting parameters stored on LSA database, entry and adjustment by magnet team Powering history naturally on LSA databasePowering history naturally on LSA database Mathematical formulation of FiDeL in JavaMathematical formulation of FiDeL in Java On-line invocation to produce:On-line invocation to produce: Transfer functions Normalised harmonic coefficients On-line invocation at start of each fill (if necessary):On-line invocation at start of each fill (if necessary): Decay Snapback
LSA/FiDeL5 Implementation
LSA/FiDeL6 Generate Transfer Functions - Implementation
LSA/FiDeL7 Database model
LSA/FiDeL8 Calibration curves
LSA/FiDeL9 Harmonics
LSA/FiDeL11 Generate static harmonics
LSA/FiDeL12 Status Zeroth order settings generation in placeZeroth order settings generation in place Ramp & squeeze – tested on point 5 power converters in short circuit Default calibration curves i.e. nominal gradient versus nominal current Version one ofVersion one of FiDeL Calibration curve generation FiDel Static harmonics FiDel Decay
LSA/FiDeL13 Status/Planning Generate Calibration CurvesGenerate Calibration Curves Implement FiDeL alogorithms in JAVA under LSA Database model - FiDeL coefficients. Develop application to drive calibration curve generation, regeneration etc. Provide application to populate FiDeL coefficients Test Generate harmonicsGenerate harmonics LSA parameter space/database configuration/ Implement FiDeL in JAVA under LSA Populate harmonic coefficients where required. Extend above application for generation/re-generation Use in settings generation. b n compensation with corrector circuits. Test & cross-check Done
LSA/FiDeL14 Status Decay & SnapbackDecay & Snapback Implement FiDeL in JAVA/LSA Develop trim engine for injection plateau Extend application to allow input, generation, re-generation, display etc. HistoryHistory DC powering history (as above). Strategy? Correctors - intra-fill history - how to track this when required? Export results to MADExport results to MAD Utility to extract harmonics at any point in given LHC cycle etc Cycle prescriptionCycle prescription Decide on appropriate format/prescription Implement and populate database Command utility to drive given circuits Test PreparationTest Preparation Populate database Generate settings Interface to FGCs Check timing or ramp invocation method Test Aim to have core in place for November Tests during year Main software engineering effort: Marek Strzelczyk