Cruise No.Stretch Name: 1.Name of the fishing zone 2.Date of survey: 30 May Reach(Specify the sampling location) 4.Climate Code SN – SunnyPC- Partly CloudyCD- Cloudy SNPCCD 5. Turbidity (Sechi disk transparency in cm) 6. Rainfall 0123R1R2R3 0: no Rain ; 1: <1mm in 24 hours; 2 : 1-2mm in 24 hours; 3: Rain over 2mm in 24 hours ; R1 : Light rain; R2: Moderate Rain; R3: Heavy Rain 7.Tidal phase (LT/HT) 8. Temperature Air :Water: at ………. Am 9.Team Members VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Fishing Ground Data Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kumarakom Ashoka Trust for Ecology and Environment Kerala State Biodiversity Board National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources College of Fisheries Panangad
1. Type of gear used 2. Duration of fishing 3. No. of fish species 4. Total catch per unit ( in kg.) 5.Occurrence of each species(%) a. b. 6. Species inventory 7. Total No. of fishing units observed (indicate No. of each units) VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Fish inventory from fishing in the zone 8. Remarks Cruise code: Location:
1. Type of gear used 2. Duration of fishing/ No. of efforts 3. No. of fish species 4. Total catch per unit ( in kg.) 5. Species inventory (Indicate abundance) VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Fish inventory in experimental fishing 6. Remarks Cruise code: Location:
1. No. of fishing units 2. No. of fish species 3. Catch per unit ( in kg.) 4. Species inventory (Indicate abundance) VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Fish inventory in landing centres Cruise code. Location:
1. Lake use practices a. Sand mining (Specify No. of units) b. Shell mining (Specify No. of units& type of gear) Manual Mechanised c. Tourism No. of house boats Speed boats d. Fisheries i. No. of fishing units Cast nets ….. Gill nets…… Scarelines….. Dragnetting…. Arulivalai…….. Ankling … harpooning…. ii. Fixed dip net units 2. Encroachments (Yes/ No): indicate details 3. Waste dumping i.Sewageii. Industry iii.Coir retting 4. Weed cover (Indicate species % percentage) Floating weeds ( every 3 km) (Stretch I: II: III: IV: V:) Submerged weeds ( every 3 km) (Stretch I: II: III: IV: V:) 5. Riparian cover % (Plant canopy on embankments, mangroves etc.) 6. Additional information, if any Signature Name of Cruise leader Attach additional sheets VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Resource use inventory * Go on entering the details along the cruise
VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Cruise team Details East Bank Name of the Team leader –Technical –Facilitator Team Members –Technical –Fishing team –Naturalists Name of the boat : Contact Phone Nos.
VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Cruise team Details West Bank Name of the Team leader –Technical –Facilitator Team Members –Technical –Fishing team –Naturalists Name of the boat : Contact Phone Nos.
VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Cruise team Details Riverine Name of the Team leader –Technical –Facilitator Team Members –Technical –Fishing team –Naturalists Name of the boat : Contact Phone Nos.
ItemReceive d Returned 1.Thermometer 2.Sample bottles a. Narrow mouthed bottle for water sample 1 No. b. Broad mouthed bottle for fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton BOD bottles – glass 1 No. 3.Reagents 1. Winkler A 2.Winkler B 3. Lugol iodine 4. Formalin 10% 4.Sechi Disk 5Tags, knife, thread, Rope, Tailors tape 6.Plastic bucket 40litre 7.Fishing nets 1. Drag net 1 No. 2. Cast net 1 No. 3. Hand net 1 No. 4. Gill net 32mm (50m) 1 No. 8.Note book and pencil 10.Schedule in file 11Fish Identification Manual VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Check-list of Items To be collected and returned after expedition
Cruise leaders must ensure the following 1. Fishing ground data is filled up 2. Resource inventory data is filled up 3. Fish inventory data in experimental fishing is filled up 4. Fish inventory data of fishers from fishing zone is filled up 5. Fish inventory data from landing centre is filled up 6. Hydrobiology samples are collected 7. Water samples for pH, salinity, nutrients etc are collected in 500ml narrow mouthed bottles 8. Fish samples collected are stored in polythene bottles with 5% formalin with proper labels inside and outside the bottles 9. Phytoplankton samples are collected in 500ml wide mouthed bottle and preserved with Lugoles iodine solution provided (with labels inside and outside) 10. Zooplanketers are collected by towing the net for 1min. and stored in pvc bottles provided. Preserved with equal quantity of 10 % formalin provided(with labels inside and outside) VEMBANAD FISH COUNT 2008 Instructions to investigators Activity Chart IMPORTANT TEAM SELECTION WILL BE AT RANDOM. DO NOT VENTURE INTO WATER. THERE ARE DANGEROUS POINTS IN THE LAKE. HANDLE FISH WITH UTMOST CARE. RETURN ALL FISH INTO WATER WITHOUT CAUSING INJURY AFTER IDENTIFICATION.