TRAINING MATERIALS FALL 2010 RETEST These reproducible training materials can be used for training School Test Coordinators and test administrators for the fall 2010 retest. Additional copies of these training materials may be printed from LDE’s Web site at
2 TUESDAY Important Dates for the Fall Retest M = Materials Delivery T = Testing P = District Pickup SATURDAYFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYMONDAYSUNDAY October 2010 P2P2 T September T M T/P 1 October LAST DAY TO ORDER TEST MATERIALS 29 MM T P3P3 26 T
Fall Retest Materials Delivery GEE and LAA 2 standard print, large-print, and braille materials will arrive at the district October 4–6. School Test Coordinators must submit requests for additional materials to the District Test Coordinator no later than October 12. Any additional materials requested will be sent via UPS ground service and will take three days to get to the district. All orders received after 1:00 p.m. will be processed the next business day.
Test Administrator System From October 4–22, School Test Coordinators must assign TA numbers to all GEE test administrators via the Test Administrator System. The Test Administrator System retrieves the TA names and numbers from the previous spring administration. Update these as needed. Test administrators must use their assigned number for all GEE tests they administer. The fall administration of LAA 2 will not use TA numbers.
General Alerts ●School Test Coordinators (STCs) must assign TA numbers October 4–22, and verify that all GEE used documents have a TA number coded in field H2. Failure to code the TA number could result in a testing irregularity. ●Security checklists must be used to track materials. Electronic copies are available on LEAPweb. Be sure to indicate on the checklists which unused answer documents received Test Not Taken labels. ●STCs must provide test administrators a list of students approved for accommodations and the accommodations the students are to receive. ●When testing students approved for accommodations, test administrators must make sure that they provide the assigned accommodations and code the provided accommodations on the students’ answer documents. ● STCs must return district office documents (security checklist copies, testing irregularities documentation, the Oath of Security and Confidentiality Statement) in the provided envelope. The District Test Coordinator should return the envelope for subsequent pickups as needed.
Coding Alerts To comply with federal mandates, there are now three new fields on all answer documents. Field G1 (Are you Hispanic/Latino?) and G2 (Race) – Students will be instructed to code both fields during testing. – For G1, students will code Yes or No. – For G2, students may mark all races that apply. Field S for LAA 2 and V for GEE (Student Receives Services Under McKinney-Vento Act) – The principal must code this field on answer documents for students receiving services under the McKinney-Vento Act (homeless students). – All persons involved in testing should be aware that this is confidential information.
When packaging materials for return, stack secure materials according to security numbers. This will aid in verifying materials against security checklists. –Pickups 1 and 2: Used answer documents for more than one content area may be boxed together but must be stacked by content area. For pickup 2, LAA 2 materials must be boxed separately from GEE materials. –Pickup 3: Test booklets must be boxed separately from unused answer documents, but materials for more than one content area may be boxed together. Return large- print and braille test booklets in their original shipping boxes. Make sure to return braille instructions. Packaging Alerts
GEE Testing Schedule TESTING DATESUBJECT/SESSION Monday, October 18Mathematics (sessions 1 and 2) Tuesday, October 19 * Mathematics (session 3) AND English Language Arts (sessions 1 and 2) Wednesday, October 20 *English Language Arts (sessions 3 and 4) Thursday, October 21 *Science Friday, October 22 *Social Studies * These are also makeup testing days.
GEE Return Schedule for District Test Coordinators Oct. 21 (Th)Pickup 1 of the following materials (UPS Next-day Air Return Service) Used GEE Mathematics answer documents Used GEE English Language Arts answer documents Oct. 25 (M)Pickup 2 of the following materials (UPS Next-day Air Return Service) Used GEE answer documents for approved home study program students Used GEE Science/Social Studies answer documents (including makeups) Used GEE makeup Mathematics answer documents Used GEE makeup English Language Arts answer documents Oct. 26 (T)Pickup 3 (UPS Second-day Air Return Service) All GEE comment sheets All unused GEE bar-code labels All unused GEE answer documents All used and unused GEE test booklets, including large print and braille NOTE: Once the UPS driver has scanned in all boxes for the shipment, ask the driver for the total number recorded as scanned in the data board. If the UPS scanned total does not match the total you recorded on the Return Verification form, recount the boxes and neatly revise or fill out a new Return Verification form.
GEE Return Schedule for School Test Coordinators Oct. 20 (W)Pickup 1 Used GEE Mathematics answer documents Used GEE English Language Arts answer documents Oct. 22 (F)Pickup 2 Used GEE answer documents for approved home study program students Used GEE Science/Social Studies answer documents (including makeups) Used GEE makeup Mathematics answer documents Used GEE makeup English Language Arts answer documents Oct. 25 (M)Pickup 3 All GEE comment sheets All unused GEE bar-code labels All unused GEE answer documents All used and unused GEE test booklets, including large print and braille
GEE Materials for Testing
Location of Security Numbers on GEE Documents TEST BOOKLETANSWER DOCUMENT Use this security number to inventory and track Lithocode number: use this to document suspected incidents of cheating or administrative error
Sample GEE School Security Checklist The GEE checklist must be used to keep track of the secure materials assigned to a school. Electronic security checklists are available on LEAPweb. There is a blank page at the end of the checklist to record security numbers of additional materials. Keep originals on file at the school and copies at the district for one year. Do not return to DRC.
Sample GEE Student/Label Roster These columns indicate the identified content areas in which students need to retest. Complete this information for students who do not receive preidentified answer documents. Record the numbers from the bar- code labels affixed to their answer documents.
Preidentified Answer Documents Students identified as eligible for retesting will receive preidentified answer documents. Test administrators should review preprinted student information for accuracy and report errors to the School Test Coordinator. Do not mark on the preprinted information or discard any preidentified answer documents. Test administrators must code education classification on all answer documents. On answer documents for special education students, the student’s primary exceptionality must be coded. On answer documents for special education, Section 504, and LEP students, all accommodations provided must be coded. If a student took no part of a test and did not attend makeup testing, the preidentified answer document should be returned with all other unused answer documents. School Test Coordinators must affix Test Not Taken labels to unused answer documents with preprinted student information.
ANSWER DOCUMENTS THAT ARE TO BE SCORED SHOULD HAVE A BAR-CODE LABEL APPLIED HERE. Hand-coded Answer Documents If a student does not receive preidentified answer documents, a bar-code label must be affixed to each of the student’s answer documents. Then the student’s identification information must be hand coded on each answer document according to the directions in the GEE Test Administration Manual. The fields must be coded exactly the same on all answer documents for a student.
GEE Bar-code Labels A bar-code label must be affixed to any hand-coded answer document.* A used hand-coded answer document returned to the scoring contractor without a bar-code label may not be scored in a timely manner. * The District Test Coordinator must apply bar-code labels with site code 998 to answer documents for GEE approved home study program students who did not receive preidentified answer documents. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL L Pelican Parish 002 Bayou High School GEE FALL 2010 BAR-CODE LABEL ALIGN TOP OF LABEL L Pelican Parish 002 Bayou High School GEE FALL 2010 BAR-CODE LABEL
Approved Home Study Program Labels If approved home study program students do not receive preidentified answer documents, the test administrator must hand code the answer documents but must not affix labels from the school. The District Test Coordinator will affix bar- code labels to these answer documents after testing. The School Test Coordinator will place all answer documents for approved home study program students in the provided plastic bag and return them directly to the District Test Coordinator. The District Test Coordinator must remove these answer documents from the bag, affix bar-code labels with site code 998 to those without preidentified student information, and return these answer documents to DRC in pickup 2. Pages (for District Test Coordinators) and page 32 (for School Test Coordinators) in the Test Coordinators Manual contain instructions for returning test materials for approved home study program students in pickup 2.
Test Not Taken Labels (affixed by School Test Coordinator) TEST NOT TAKEN DOCUMENT LABEL (YELLOW) GEE After all makeup testing is completed, the School Test Coordinator must: Inspect each unused answer document (preidentified or hand-coded) for student responses before affixing labels. Affix yellow Test Not Taken labels over the preprinted student information or the bar-code label. (Program- specific labels are provided, so make sure you apply the correct label.) Indicate on the School Security Checklist which unused answer documents received Test Not Taken labels. Unused answer documents without preprinted or hand- coded student information do not need a label. Do not affix Test Not Taken labels to answer documents for students whose tests should be voided. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL APPLY THIS LABEL ONLY TO PREIDENTIFIED OR HAND-CODED ANSWER DOCUMENTS ON WHICH NO TEST ITEMS WERE ATTEMPTED D510098NOTSCORE GEE FALL 2010 TEST NOT TAKEN LABEL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Unscorable Document Labels (affixed by the District Test Coordinator) UNSCORABLE DOCUMENT LABEL (BLUE) INSTRUCTION SHEET (PROVIDED TO DTC WITH SHEET OF UNSCORABLE DOCUMENT LABELS) Unscorable document labels are program-specific. GEE and LAA 2 each have their own labels. These are for use on an answer document that was damaged, soiled, for another student, or marked with ink, highlighters, markers, or crayon. These answer documents must not be thrown away. The School Test Coordinator should give these documents to the District Test Coordinator, who will return them with the unused district overage answer documents. Documentation about the incident should be kept by the District Test Coordinator. Any responses must be transferred to a new hand-coded answer document to be scored. These labels must not be applied to documents that are to be voided. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL THE DISTRICT TEST COORDINATOR MUST FOLLOW THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS LABEL. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII D510098NOTSCORE DOCUMENTATION REGARDING USE OF THIS LABEL MUST BE KEPT ON FILE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE FOR ONE YEAR. GEE FALL 2010 UNSCORABLE
GEE Used and Unused Answer Documents USED (PICKUPS 1 AND 2) UNUSED (PICKUP 3) All used answer documents are returned in pickups 1 and 2. Used answer document: a preidentified answer document on which a --student has marked answer to one or more --items a hand-coded answer document on which a --public school or post–high school student has marked answers to one or more items - --and on which a bar-code label has been affixed to page 1 an answer document on which a student enrolled in an approved home study program has marked answers to one or more items All unused answer documents are returned in pickup 3. Unused answer document: an answer document on which no test items --were attempted—regardless of whether it has preprinted student information or whether it has a bar-code label and/or hand- --coded student information Test Not Taken labels must be affixed to unused preidentified or hand-coded answer documents. All unused answer documents—those that require Test Not Taken labels and those that do not—must be returned. FALL 2010 RETEST ONLY
LAA 2 Testing Schedule TESTING DATESUBJECT/SESSION Monday, October 18English Language Arts (sessions 1 and 2) Tuesday, October 19 *English Language Arts (sessions 3 and 4) Wednesday, October 20 *Mathematics Thursday, October 21 *Science Friday, October 22 *Social Studies *These are also makeup testing days. NOTE: If a student is retesting in both LAA 2 and GEE, see page 46 in the LAA 2 Test Administration Manual for crossover testing schedules.
LAA 2 Return Schedule for District Test Coordinators Oct. 25 (M)Pickup 2 (UPS Next-day Air Return Service) Used LAA 2 answer documents All other LAA 2 materials (unused answer documents, used and unused - test booklets, comment sheets, and unused bar-code labels) School Test Coordinators must return all used and unused LAA 2 fall retest materials to District Test Coordinators by end of day Friday, October 22. LAA 2 materials must be boxed separately from GEE materials. NOTE: Once the UPS driver has scanned in all boxes for the shipment, ask the driver for the total number recorded as scanned in the data board. If the UPS scanned total does not match the total you recorded on the Return Verification form, recount the boxes and neatly revise or fill out a new Return Verification form.
LAA 2 Return Schedule for School Test Coordinators Oct. 22 (F)Pickup 2 All used and unused LAA 2 answer documents All used and unused LAA 2 test booklets, including large print and braille All LAA 2 comment sheets All unused LAA 2 bar-code labels Because the LAA 2 materials are now packaged by school, the School Test Coordinator is responsible for correctly packaging all LAA 2 materials and labeling the boxes containing those materials.
LAA 2 Materials for Testing
Location of Security Numbers on LAA 2 Documents TEST BOOKLET ANSWER DOCUMENT Use this security number to inventory and track Lithocode number: use this to document suspected incidents of cheating or administrative error
Sample LAA 2 School Security Checklist The LAA 2 checklist must be used to keep track of the secure materials assigned to a school. Electronic security checklists are available on LEAPweb. There is a blank page at the end of the checklist to record security numbers of additional materials requested. Keep originals on file at the school and copies at the district for one year. Do not return to DRC.
Sample LAA 2 Student/Label Roster Since LAA 2 students do not receive preidentified answer documents, complete all sections of this form. Make sure to record the numbers from the LAA 2 bar-code labels affixed to students’ answer documents.
LAA 2 Bar-code Labels There are no preidentified answer documents for LAA 2 fall retesters. Before testing begins, a bar-code label must be affixed to all LAA 2 answer documents and student identification information must be hand coded according to directions in the LAA 2 Test Administration Manual. If a student is testing using more than one answer document, bar-code labels must be affixed to each and the fields coded exactly the same. If a student took no part of a test, return the student’s unused answer document with all other unused answer documents. The School Test Coordinator must affix Test Not Taken labels to unused answer documents that have bar-code labels and/or hand-coded student information. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII P Pelican Parish 001 Bayou Elementary School LAA 2 FALL 2010 BAR-CODE LABEL ALIGN TOP OF LABEL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII P Pelican Parish 001 Bayou Elementary School LAA 2 FALL 2010 BAR-CODE LABEL LAA 2
Test Not Taken Labels (affixed by School Test Coordinator) After all makeup testing is completed, the School Test Coordinator must: Inspect each unused answer document with a bar-code label and/or hand-coded information for student responses before affixing labels. Affix yellow Test Not Taken labels over bar-code labels. (Program-specific labels are provided, so make sure you apply the correct label.) Indicate on the School Security Checklist which unused answer documents received Test Not Taken labels. Unused answer documents without bar-code labels or hand-coded student information do not need a label. Do not affix Test Not Taken labels to answer documents for students whose tests should be voided. LAA 2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TEST NOT TAKEN DOCUMENT LABEL (YELLOW)
Unscorable Document Labels (affixed by the District Test Coordinator) UNSCORABLE DOCUMENT LABEL (BLUE) INSTRUCTION SHEET (PROVIDED TO DTC WITH SHEET OF UNSCORABLE DOCUMENT LABELS) Unscorable document labels are program- specific. GEE and LAA 2 each have their own labels. These are for use on an answer document that was damaged, soiled, for another student, or marked with ink, highlighters, markers, or crayon. These answer documents must not be thrown away. The School Test Coordinator should give these documents to the District Test Coordinator, who will return them with the LAA 2 district materials. Documentation about the incident should be kept by the District Test Coordinator. Any responses must be transferred to a new hand-coded answer document to be scored. These labels must not be applied to documents that are to be voided. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL THE DISTRICT TEST COORDINATOR MUST FOLLOW THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS LABEL. D510018NOTSCORE DOCUMENTATION REGARDING USE OF THIS LABEL MUST BE KEPT ON FILE AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE FOR ONE YEAR. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LAA 2 FALL 2010 UNSCORABLE
LAA 2 Used and Unused Answer Documents USED (PICKUP 2) UNUSED (PICKUP 2) All used LAA 2 answer documents are returned in pickup 2. Used answer document: an answer document on which a student has marked responses to one or more items --and on which a bar-code label has been affixed to page 1. Student information must --be hand coded since preidentified answer -- --documents are not provided All unused LAA 2 answer documents are returned in pickup 2. Unused answer document: an answer document on which no test items --were attempted—regardless of whether a bar-code label has been affixed or whether - --student information has been hand coded on --page 1 Test Not Taken labels must be affixed to unused answer documents with bar-code labels and/or hand-coded student information. All unused answer documents—those that require Test Not Taken labels and those that do not—must be returned. FALL 2010 RETEST ONLY