Year 10 Textiles GCSE : Tie-Dye Objectives In today’s lesson we will:- Learn how to create the technique TIE-DYE Explore a variety of effects produced by TIE-DYE Evaluate possible applications and consider industrial references Key Words Decorative Techniques Tie-dye Saturation Resist Dye bath Super Learner / A* Objective Select and use appropriate tools, materials and techniques to apply colour to fabric (AQA GCSE Specification 2009)
Starter Activity (5 mins) In the future, you may wish to create a drawing of tie-dye to add to your design sketches! Collect a picture of either:- a T-shirt a bag a base ball cap With felt tips, create a tie-dye design. Use the tie-dye prints to help you!
Dyeing Fabric We have been dyeing fabric for thousands of years. Here are some traditional methods of hand dyeing.
The majority of fabrics that we use in the 21 st century are produced in factories by large industrial machines
Instructions Produce 3 different types of tie-dye Using a permanent pen, write your initials in the corner of 3 pieces of cotton fabric Produce 3 different methods of tie-dye Drop each sample into a different coloured dye bath Give them a good pummelling to ensure they are saturated in the dye bath Leave to soak for at least 24 hours!
1. The use of fabric dyes can be harmful to the environment, why is this? 2. Some fabric dyes contain poisonous substances called T_ _ _ _ S
What have you learned today? Working with a partner, complete the tie-dye flowchart Place the stages in the correct order Write a list of the equipment and materials you have used to produce your 3 samples Can you identify the 2 quality control points?
Homework Produce at least 1 x A4 page describing the following dyeing methods:- 1.Screen Printing 2.Batik 3.Hand Block Printing Super Learner / A* Objective Include diagrams of the above methods and examples of textile products!