0 Bi-Weekly PD Meeting Friday, September 25, 2015
1 Agenda for Surveys Completing evaluations (Steve/Kim) Updates to Ready surveys (Jessica/Michelle) Posting Updates (Michelle) Change in Diagnostic Testing Window Recommendation (Becky) Background Checks (Vanessa) Strive for 45 Packages (Steve/Vanessa) Results of PD Academy Survey (Jessica) New PD Weekly Digest (Jessica) Q&A (ALL)
2 Ready Surveys DO NOT USE the old Ready survey: – “Curriculum Associates Customer Training Survey - Ready” Use the active surveys below (included in updated PPT decks): – – – – – Please continue to use our i-Ready survey for all i-Ready trainings: –
3 Recent Postings: Training & PD Site Surveys Ready Reading (National and LAFS) Ready Writing Internal Workshop Overviews Integrating ELA Instruction with Ready Reading & Reading Writing Teaching with Ready Mathematics and Ready Reading Q&A Calls Integrating ELA Instruction with Ready Reading & Reading Writing Helping All Learners Succeed: Introduction, Section 1 & 2 Helping All Learners Succeed: Standards Mastery Teacher Workshop Content Helping All Learners Succeed: Section 3 and Closing (Posting today following the 2pm call)
4 Recent Postings: Training & PD Site Teacher Training Guide (color and b&w versions) Now 112 Pages Updates: o Helping All Learners Succeed Content (pages 80-93) o Updated Assignments tab images & sub-tab names o Correction of discrepancies in Instructional Planning for the online lesson flowchart and class profile sample schedules o Instructional Usage Report Getting Started On-site Facilitation Guide & Deck (PPT) Webinar Facilitation Guide & Deck (PPT) Updates: o Diagnostic testing recommendations o Instructional Usage report details o Minor image alignments (webinar & onsite consistency)
5 Recent Postings: Training & PD Site Helping All Learners Succeed Helping All Learners Succeed Guided Walk-through: Section 3 and Closing On-site Facilitation Guide & Deck (PPT) Updates: o Standards Mastery Content o Now includes instruction & visuals for teachers to view Standards Mastery assessment assignments o Instructional Usage report details Standards Mastery Student Experience Video Leadership I & II On-site Facilitation Guides & Decks (PPT) Updates: o Diagnostic testing recommendations o Instructional Usage report details
6 BTS 2014 – Start testing 4-6 weeks into the school year – Test within established windows 6 Diagnostic Testing Recommendations
7 BTS 2015 – Start testing 2-3 weeks into the school year – Greater emphasis on testing windows 7 Diagnostic Testing Recommendations
8 Why the change? – Based on Assessment Team data review – Supports 3 Diagnostic per year, with 12-week instructional cycles in between – Allows Kindergarten students to develop some basic skills because the Diagnostic does on “adapt down” to pre-K levels Where is this reflected? – Teacher and Leadership Training Guides i-Ready Implementation Calendar – Leadership courses: Leadership Best Practices I & II – Teacher courses: Getting Started 8 Diagnostic Testing Recommendations
9 Key take-aways: – Nothing we’ve told customers so far is “wrong” No need to go back and “correct” anything said in training or coaching! – Most important thing for customers: Testing all students within established windows, regardless of when those windows are scheduled – If customers ask about the change: Explain that CA regularly reviews assessment and instructional data and periodically updates recommendations to help customers maximize i- Ready impact, based on actual results and usage in prior years. 9 Diagnostic Testing Recommendations
10 Background Checks (1) HR Notification – HR (Patty) is ing everyone to fill out paperwork for their background checks. (2) Why? Schools contractually concerned with access to student data Onsite school visits (3) Exception Districts that will still require their own process Some districts ask for fingerprinting as well
11 What is Strive for 45? 1. Research shows that if our students get 45 minutes each week of online instruction in reading/math their results will improve. 2. Let’s partner with schools! Behaviors we want to reinforce: 1. Plan: Make time in the day (different tactics for leaders v. teachers) 2. Communicate: s to communicate; research to reinforce validity of time on Instruction 3. Celebrate: Success for teachers, students, parents Strive for 45
12 What is in the Pack? Instruction Planner Instruction Overview Resources Guide Leadership Training Manual (latest version) i-Ready Classroom Poster Set i-Ready Character Stickers Hershel USB: o 2013 – 2014 Instruction Efficacy o Research Behind i-Ready Online Instruction o i-Ready Characters and Study Buddy Image Library o Communication Templates o Articulating the importance of Diagnostic o Articulating the research behind 45 minutes per subject per week o Online Instruction and Implementation Profiles o Student Certificates (K-2; 3-5; 6-8) Strive for 45 Pack Goodies
13 Who gets these Packs? Tier 1 and Tier 2 Schools 1 per school When you are visiting to deliver: Understanding Data Helping All Learners Succeed OR if you are there to support/visit the school. Strive for 45 Schools
14 Strive for 45 Schools How do we get the Packs to you? Most people will get 5-10 packs! 5 per box Sent to your home address as listed in ShiftExpert for Salesforce 1 st Shipment - Week of 10/5 if you are getting a small amt 2 nd Shipment – Week of 10/12 if you are getting more! Need more? DO NOT for an order—just me! OR check in with your manager
15 Questions: (1) What if I already visited a Tier 1 or Tier 2 school? – Account Managers will be helping with this initiative in November. (2) Are these heavy? Yes, they are robust. (3) What if admin/school PD leaders want more of a specific item? Contact Vanessa and I will direct the request. Strive for 45 Pack Finale
16 PD Academy Survey Results 107 Responses! Positive Ratings: “Could not ask for a better planned week. Bravo”
17 PD Academy Survey Results
18 PD Academy Survey Results “ Because of the amount of new material to learn, I feel that the 5 day frame was appropriate. However, by the end of each day, mental blocks kicked in due to the massive amount of material to absorb.”
19 New PD Weekly Digest ed to everyone (Full-Time & Cadre) on Friday afternoons Will include: – Training & PD Resources posting updates – Bi-Weekly PD Meeting key takeaways – Any other PD updates for the week – If you have something to add, it by Friday 12pm ET to Jessica Wheeler Tranchino
Q & A 20
Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend. 21