Examples of partial sub-sector analyses from Kenya, Uganda, Malawi
Sub-sector analysis to identify and structure constraints and opportunities in tree seed supply Purpose of a sub-sector analysis: To evaluate the efficiency and quality of agroforestry tree species moving through the channels and to analyse roles of actors and the functions they perform. Actors and their roles in different steps of the chain: Who collects, who procures and who distributes which species Channels can be described with respect to species, quality, actors, and connections between actors
Uganda: NGO and CBO study in South West Uganda Malawi: 360 nurseries in six districts Kenya: 230 seed sources around Mt. Kenya The three studies. Common themes for studies: efficiency and quality in chains, but they are not complete sub-sector studies
The Uganda Study
Southwest Uganda – NGO chains and CBO chains (based on cases of species) Genetic quality of germplasm is generally not considered Species selection is almost exclusively based on availability of seed and seedlings Almost all NGOs and projects distribute seed for free to farmers (some fruit tree seedlings are sold at a subsidised price) NGO chains CBO chains
The Malawi Study
Malawi – group and private nurseries No or minimal consideration is given to genetic quality There is no strategy or support to set-up independent structures to deliver tree seed and seedlings All nurseries use their seedling but most also sell
Seed Sources around Mt. Kenya With respect to documentation of origin formal sources are not generally of higher quality relative to informal sources Protection and maintenance are major constraints for long term survival of formal sources Generally a lack of good documentation of informal sources It is likely that protection and maintenance of informal sources in the long term will require that they can provide income for producers and distributors of seed.